Monday, December 7, 2015

4 Fashion Journalism Mistakes, With Christina Kelly

By Rebecca Mills

It's easy to assume that those who enjoy writing and have an affinity for clothing might be interested in becoming fashion journalists. Many people are passionate about this field, which goes without saying, as they are able to cover a number of current and upcoming trends alike. However, even the most astute writers can make mistakes, which is why a learning experience is so important. Here are 4 points to consider, for the sake of improvement.

To start off, make sure that you offer disclosure at the onset. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you are given an article of clothing to review by a particular company. You're going to want to establish that you have been provided with said product at the onset, so that readers can adjust their views accordingly. Failing to disclose such connections is a mistake, and fashion authorities like Christina Kelly will say the same.

Next, you should not limit your scope in regards to publications to write for. Of course, you want to make sure that you pick and choose platforms with care, since not all of them will be reputable. However, when you become too picky, you run the risk of limiting connections in this field. This can be an issue for the sake of long-term growth, meaning that you should expand your horizons for the sake of greater success in fashion journalism. Christina Kelly and others can say the same.

It's also worth noting that many fashion journalists might fail to proofread their work as they should. Even though a few spelling or grammatical errors are nothing to harp on, it can become an issue when there are too many structural problems in an article. Not only will this turn away readers, but it will damage a journalist's reputation to boot. If you are unable to proofread your work effectively, you might want to employ someone who can.

To cap off this list, make sure that your audience is treated with respect. This might go without saying, but it's surprising to see just how many writers underestimate the intelligence of their audience. Fashion journalists should be able to answer any and all questions with respect, so that they come across as the professionals they are. By failing to follow this step, it's easy to assume that you will do your reputation few favors in the long run.

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