Monday, January 25, 2016

Advantages Of Using Clothing Hang Tags

By Amy Powell

In the current world market, information is the most sought after thing before people buy a product. Therefore, information is important for anyone who is looking to conquer the big part of the market niche. Providing this information is usually done through advertisement on the media. There are some other ways of advertisement that are also important when it comes to buying that actual product from the shelf. The following are some of the influences clothing hang tags have had in the marketing of products.

When marketing clothes, a lot of factors come into play. This most involves the target market that varies in age, gender or the social status. Each target market have their own preferences and that what the manufacturers try to meet. Therefore, if they are kids clothes whose target are the kids, the tags should be attractive and interesting. For the older generation, it should have some class and elegance to attract the required market group.

The tags should also contain some information on how to use the item. This makes it easy for the users to know how and where to use the product. Such tags should have some convincing information to the customers to why they should pick your product compared to another. An example is a tag used in a sweater. It should advise on what kind of weather it to be worn and the pro in comparison to why one should get it.

It is advisable for one to add images and doodles to the hangs to give the customer a clear indication how to wear and how the product looks like. They can also the images to show how the item would be best if worn with particular attire to complement it. An example is when you a selling a shirt, a picture of what type of trouser and color to wear.

A brand name on tag helps in marketing the product in the shelf. Many people always go after the branded merchandise over the not labeled one. This is because they think the non-labeled ones are a fake. So, it is important to make sure the name or label sticks for the customers to know what is real and what is not.

A contact on the tag makes the customers who have any queries to reach one easily. This ensures a better customer manufacturer relationship. Any complaints or ideas that may come as suggestions are usually well received. This makes the manufacturer and his product seem more legit. It may be also a way to get retailers to contact you once they get your sample product.

The hangs may be used in stock keeping in many big retail shops. This kind of work when done manually maybe a lot of job and may call for a bigger workforce. Therefore, this saves on cost and time. It may also be damaging to the clothes if you stick the bar codes on clothes themselves because the glue on stickers may compromise the quality of clothes. The hang tags help avoid such damages that may be there in such cases.

It is therefore an important part in any large manufacturer or retailer dealing with apparels. It helps in identifying the products when they are in the shelves for customers to see easily.

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