Saturday, January 16, 2016

Christina Kelly: The Common Mistakes Fashion Students Should Avoid

By Rebecca Mills

Fashion school is, without question, one of the most worthwhile endeavors for those who are passionate about style. Christina Kelly can agree, as there are several classes that students can take in order to become more proficient at their craft. It doesn't matter if you're looking to become a business owner, or an established tailor. If you're going to make the most of your time in this level of education, here are a few things that you should avoid.

To kick things off right, you should not go into the school with the mindset that you know everything. While it's important to be confident, according to names like Christina DiMauro Kelly, you're in school for the purpose of learning. What this means is that you should never give off the impression that you know more than others. Having the right attitude is beneficial, not only in school but for life once you have finally graduated.

You should also never overlook the opportunity to make friends. Even the most antisocial of people should recognize fashion school as a time to create connections, which can prove to be useful later on. After all, there are many possibilities to be had in the professional world, and learning from one another helps. Create friendships early on in school, as this will help you reach greater success that Christina Kelly and others can recognize.

Lastly, do not go into fashion school without taking every class you're assigned. Yes, absences might be unavoidable due to sicknesses, family emergencies, and the like. With that said, if you're simply taking off of school for no legitimate reason, you're wasting your time. The fact that school tends to cost quite a bit only adds to this sentiment. As a result, make sure that your work ethic is at a high level; you'll enjoy school more as a result.

Fashion school does not last forever, meaning that you should get the most out of every moment spent. There's no denying the fact that this level of education matters, but it's in your best interest to focus on the mistakes that other students have made. This way, you'll have a better chance of avoiding them in the future. As a result, you can rest easy knowing that your appreciation, not to mention understanding, of style will go up.

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