Friday, February 5, 2016

Method Of Crafting Faux Fur Pillows

By Sharon King

If you have seen synthetic fiber cushion, you must have wanted to cuddle them or throw your head on it and sleep all day. The texture is smooth and soft, and defiantly a must have in your home. If you want to own such a pillow, you can make one for yourself. The thought of making it could seem frustrating. However, with these useful tips, you will be able to put together your faux fur pillows making simple and fun.

The first thing is shopping; this is one f the easiest steps. Before you go shopping, ensure you know what you aim to buy regarding color and size. There are so many sheds to choose from, and you can choose one that matches the color scheme of your house of choose to buy your favorite color, whichever the case, ensure you have enough fabric for this size and number of pillows you plan on making.

Before you start off, you are required to choose the design and shape that you want. However, with fur you have to make the design as simple as possible. Pleats are going to disappear on the fabric. At the same time seem lines will make the material seem overdone. To formulate it just right use simple shapes and the end product will be something beautiful.

Cut out the design of your choice, this can be taught if you are not too accurate with the scissors. To help you out you can draw the outline on the back of the fabric and use this to cut out. Make sure the design is right because when you cut it out, that is the design that must be used.

Ensure that whatever object you use in the cutting is sharp. Blunt object tends to make you lose too much fur, and this could destroy the cloth. Find a sharp scissors to help you not only cut but also ensure that much is not lost.

Have a good vacuum cleaner to clean as you go, especially if you want to make many pillows. Fake fur shades like crazy and could leave the place messy. In fact, it is best to cover up the areas that you are not using when making this cushions. If you are not concerned, you might end up with a house full of fur. The best part is that with a good vacuum cleaner you do not have to worry about this, as it will make the cleaning simple.

Sewing on fur can be a bit hectic, especially if you do not know how to go about it. To make it easy for you, stitch in the direction that the nap of the fur flows. Unlike other fabrics, with fur you need to use a large needle preferable on that is 90 or bigger so that it can make the stitching easy. When sewing you need to use long stitches.

Stitching starts when by smoothen the fibers of the coat, this can be some by using an object like a credit card and direct it to the direction that the nap flows or the seam line. Once the fur is smoothened, then you can start the stitching.

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