Thursday, March 10, 2016

How To Detect A Real Sheepskin From A Faux Sheepskin Rug

By Jeffrey Reynolds

People always wanted to look good that is why they are very much concerned with what they wear. They do not get contented with having only one style of clothing and accessories. They always wanted to look for something better and that is the reason why most clothing lines are often releasing various kinds of clothes for almost every month.

Most clothing nowadays is always associated with the skin of animals and one of which is the sheepskin. A sheepskin is a hide or a skin of a sheep which are use for human clothing, accessories, house decorations and others. But not all uses true skins of sheep, especially in rugs, some cloth factories are just using faux sheepskin rug.

A faux or a fake sheepskin comes from the skin of the sheep and is made with artificial fibers only. They are normally used in order to be a component of certain clothing like jacket or boots. When you are planning to buy some garments but you want to have that genuine skin, here are some tips on how to find out a real from fake ones.

Glance at the brand names. Keep in mind that there are brand names which are using both the synthetic and the real ones. If you have an idea as to what brand names are using the true ones then use it as your advantage. Never forget also to be aware of those that are bringing a brand name but is actually fake.

See the labels. Each original garment often has a label that is being attached. The label of a garment will reveal the composition of that certain garment. They are usually found at the sides and it has a list of the materials being used.

Look at the price. When you can see that the price is very cheap and is quite unbelievable considering the brand name, then they are likely to be fake. Genuine skins constitute a very expensive price since they are not that easy to get some. The shops who truly offered a genuine one would definitely indicate a price that is definitely higher because the supply of such is very minimal.

Feel the item. A true skin of a sheep is certainly soft and smooth to touch. It normally passes through your fingers and it would feel so comfortable. A fake one may be soft but not as soft as the genuine one. It feels a bit coarse compared to the true ones, and it feels so synthetic and a bit sticky since it is also combined with plastic materials.

Stick a pin over the item. This is an important method in detecting a true skin from an artificial one. If upon sticking the pin, it feels very smooth and the pin passes through effortlessly then it has a higher chance to be synthetic. The texture of a real skin of sheep is very tight and compact because it really comes from the animals itself and if you stick something over it, it would normally bounce back because of its thick texture.

There are numerous boutiques which are offering various items which have a genuine sheepskin. Make sure that you will not be fooled by those who say that they have the genuine material but they actually do not. You must do a thorough research first before planning to buy one.

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