Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Selecting The Best Skateboard Brand

By Donald Jackson

New skaters always have a hard time trying to select a suitable skateboard type. A person venturing into skating expects a lot of things and one fact they should keep in mind is that the type of skateboard brand they opt for shapes their ultimate experience. In that spirit, a perfect skateboard should be a priority to both the experienced and new skaters. A perfect skateboard is not practical, but one that is close to that is very practical. Such a skateboard is composed of numerous features that one needs to be conversant with before making a purchase. The article below will give you an insight on what to check when looking for the perfect skateboard.

All models are designed using the same basic structures like the deck, wheels, bearings, and trucks. It is paramount to purchase the best parts which also which unfortunately also means getting the expensive parts. Skateboarding is a risky sport and getting the substandard parts increases the risks you face.

The deck is the wooden part of the skateboard that one stands on. A skater needs to know what they intend to use the skateboard for as it plays a role in determining the kind of board, they will choose. The height of an individual also determines the kind of board they want as taller people are best suited to the longer boards. The number of plywood glued together should also be considered as it determines the durability of the board.

Height and hardness are the two fundamental aspects that define the right wheels. Stress is aplenty with skateboarding and plastic, and vinyl wheels are not able to handle much stress. Therefore, they should be avoided. Skaters from the streets are better served with small and hard wheels that offer exquisite control. Vert and transition riders should always go for the large and averagely hard wheels.

Wheels are attached to the axle with metal bearings. All board bearings have a standard size. When choosing bearings, skateboarders should strike a balance between strength and precision as each aspect compromises the other in some way. Durability should also be considered since the cheaper bearings are typically made of materials that do not last.

The board is attached to the wheel by the truck. The structure of the truck is complex but purchasing them is very easy. The main part of the truck is the axle. Bushings are the parts of the truck that give the board stability and control Control is determined by the stiffness of the bushings.

The breadth of the truck is an imperative point to consider when shopping. This is so since it governs the general breadth of the skateboard. The height of the truck dictates the stability of the truck and speed of the skateboard. Lower trucks have the advantage of more stability but need smaller wheels. The higher trucks have the benefit of greater speeds.

All models have these parts and other minor ones that have not been mentioned. Premade boards are better for novice skaters since buying the parts may be hard for them. However, such boards are prone to breaking and often too expensive for nothing. Nevertheless, a good type of skateboard should have the quality parts, especially the ones mentioned above since they are the exact definition of any specific skateboard types.

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