Friday, April 29, 2016

What You Need To Know About Sustainable Clothing

By Melissa Bell

When you think of fashion, you immediately think of glamour and sophistication and creative inspiration. But what you do not see behind the scenes is how this multi billion dollar global industry is producing garments at the expense of the environment and of the low income outsourced workers who make them. If this information leaves you with a feeling of righteous indignation, consider taking proactive measures for bringing sustainability into the business of beauty and style.

There are two crucial elements that consumers take into serious account, and that is the quality and price of a particular item. From independent sustainable clothing Los Angeles to upscale designer brands in Paris or Milan, they will never buy anything that is not worth their hard earned money. Be prudent with your purchasing decisions and prioritize function aside from fashion.

Take a good look inside your closet and see if you have a lot of items in your wardrobe. If the answer to this question is yes, then you should not buy any more clothes for at least six months up to a year. Most people often buy clothes but rarely wear them, so avoid this wasteful attitude and make a habit of always reusing perfectly good pieces you already own.

The reason why people feel the urge to spend unnecessarily on brand new garments is that they often neglect their existing pieces when they show minimal signs of wear and tear. Just because these things happen does not mean they cannot be fixed. Minor garment issues are easily addressed with simple fixes which are much more cost effective on your part.

Rethink the way you shop by focusing more on long term investments as opposed to short term trendiness. This method often means that you are going to shell out big bucks for certain timeless pieces, but you are guaranteed that those stylish things will last you a long time and you will feel less inclined to buy more. Always stick with quality and never adhere to quantity.

Adopting a sustainably fashionable lifestyle means that you should be more conscientious about the materials used in the things you wear on a daily basis. Whenever possible, shop for pieces that are made out of eco friendly textiles and is sold on a fairtrade level. These choices will make a difference not only to the environment, but also to others dedicated to the cause.

Never underestimate the power of social media to encourage others in joining your eco friendly cause. Post photos of yourself wearing sustainable garments so people will realize it is indeed possible to look good while helping to save the environment. You could also educate them by sharing links to articles online about the benefits of switching to a sustainably stylish lifestyle.

Looking at the bigger picture, the fashion business is a tough nut to crack but people can make corporate executives listen when they present a united front. A simple act like boycotting a certain brand so they will be compelled to change their unsavory practices can be effective when everyone joins in on the cause. Always remember that change starts with you.

In summation, you can help with the protection of our planet without compromising on fabulous style. The points mentioned above will surely steer you in the right direction. Step out with confidence and let your conscience be your sartorial guide.

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