Monday, April 18, 2016

Why People Go For Gucci Products In Many Markets

By Gary Roberts

Everyone likes to have or own prestigious things even though not all of us can afford them but for the few who can go for to the extreme to spend as much no matter the cost to get it. In turn this makes designers to overprice their products because they can without being penalized by anyone to get their clients hooked to their products for life. For those of us who cannot live without Gucci have no choice but to keep coming for more and more till death do us part.

Each year prices seems to go higher and higher but this does not stop clients from purchasing what they want to attain a certain level of statues in the society. Designers use this to give power to the clients in order to increase their profits, and make a name for themselves. They do this by giving their customers first priority when the products come out for the first time and this in turn makes a happy client who will always return for more.

Many processes used in making the best designs are always high quality due to the raw materials, manufacturing costs, and marketing, which is done through advertising and does not always come cheap in quality. Designers always put a lot of hard work and research on their products for their end product to be perfect and that is why it has to cost a lot.

There is competition in the fashion world with different designers and trends coming up every day. Therefore, every designer needs to make a name for themselves and by doing so they spend lots and lots of money to remain relevant in the industry.

Materials used in the production of these products for instance silk, which is not readily available everywhere are what make it exceptional and expensive. Other brands make products that are made of cheap material that is locally and easily available. Because of this, their products tend to be of low quality compared to this other brand which is durable.

Label and status are so important to some people hence they are willing to pay more for that. If everyone could wear the same product then it would lose its meaning. Famous people wear these designs and a lot of people who look up to them want to wear what they wear to identify with them. This only means more money for the designers and they would fight tooth and nail to remain in that position.

Shipping costs are always added in the last price of the commodity in order to realize profits. For customers who are willing to buy, incur the costs regardless of the price. Invention of new designs will always cost more due to new ideas. Despite the reflected prices, people still consider this and ideal choice since it offers them the worth of their money.

The demand for these products makes them attractive because of their reputation, which makes many people willing to purchase at whatever cost. The desire to own these products determine their selling price. Very many rich clients are willing and able to afford to satisfy their desires.

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