Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Reasons To Choose Hemp Clothing

By Joshua Gray

Beautiful clothing is one of the joys of life all over the world. Many people like the soft feel of light weight fabrics for casual clothes, and they may choose cotton; if they are environmentally aware of the toxins used in raising this crop they may choose organic. However, they could have soft, natural garments and environmentally-friendly farming, too, if they knew the benefits of supporting hemp clothing manufacturers.

Many people choose cotton clothing for its comfort, natural nature, and the fact that it's absorbent and it 'breathes'. However, cotton is a delicate crop that requires particular weather conditions, a lot of fertilizer (mostly chemical unless you choose organic), and a lot of water. It also requires massive amounts of pesticides and herbicides during its cultivation. In fact, cotton growers use about 50% of all the pesticides manufactured and sold in the world.

Especially in the developing countries of India, Africa, and South America, the health of the workers who labor in agriculture matters little. Many of the pesticides used on cotton are among the most toxic known, with documented health risks. The World Health Organization is trying to raise awareness of this problem, but many poor laborers are illiterate. They also may have little choice of employment and may not be able to opt for a safer work environment.

In contrast, hemp is a crop that requires virtually no pesticides. In fact, the plant itself is bug repellent. This plant is in the same family as marijuana, but there is almost no hallucinogen component in its make-up. In a semi truckload, there is said to be about enough of the drug to make one joint. There has been great prejudice against this valuable seed, but the time has come to bring it into prominence.

If they plant hempseed, farmers won't have to spray chemical pesticides or nitrogen on their fields. Farming has become one of the unhealthiest professions because farmers are always breathing in or touching chemicals. These chemicals kill beneficial insects like bees as well as harmful ones, are hard on wildlife, and can rob soils of the organisms that support life of all kinds. By growing this alternative crop, farmers can save themselves and their environment while they save money on chemicals.

Hemp actually is its own weed control and fertilizer. It grows densely and crowds out weeds. It also produces nitrogen like legumes do. It requires a very moderate amount of other fertilizer and leaves the field in better shape than it found it. This is in marked contrast to soil-depleting crops like cotton or corn; it is often used as a rotation for crops like these to build the soil back up.

It can grow in all 50 of the United States, being frost tolerant, suitable for many different types of soil, and requiring relatively little water. This is truly a miracle plant, which deserves much more exposure than it gets. By supporting hemp manufacturers of textiles and other goods, you can encourage the cultivation of this valuable crop.

It is not only used for textiles. Plastics, fuel, healthy seed and oil for human consumption, animal feed, and paint are among the things that this valuable plant gives us. Look for items made from this renewable resource and help it spread throughout the globe.

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