Saturday, June 18, 2016

Modest Islamic Clothing Is Valuable

By Andrew Morgan

The religion of Islam is very inspiring and comforting despite its many rules and bylaws. It has these rules in place so people honor Allah which is the name that they give to God. Wearing modest islamic clothing is part of the religion especially for women. Men and women both need to use modesty in what they wear, however. Modesty helps humans focus on what is important and what is not.

When a lot of body parts are showing, it is hard for people to focus on God. One must think about spiritual things in order to connect with God. It is good for both men and women to remember this when they are in prayer at home or in the mosque. The principle applies mostly to men, however, who seem to struggle with this more.

It is very hard to maintain unselfishness in a world which constantly promotes it. Everyday one is bombarded with pictures and images of people dressed with very little on. The message is that this way of looking is a role model for what everyone should strive to look like. The pressure is great to look like this in modern society. Young girls will try to copy this image and be hard on themselves if they do not look exactly like the young woman in her swimsuit on the magazine cover.

Websites showing clothing that is acceptable in Islam are available for purchase. They can be bought on several, different websites that display clothing that is not very revealing. If you are interested in buying this way, do a thorough search online so you can find many of the selections.

Be sure to measure yourself with a tape measure with the standards that the merchant gives you. They may have them listed on their website. They may have had the clothes made in a particular way by a seamstress. This person may have used their own pattern and, therefore, their own standards of measurement which will be quite different from what you usually use when you purchase from a regular store.

It is easy to do this when you buy online since there is obviously no dressing room to try on the items. They may have set their own measurements for the clothes they sell especially if they made them themselves.

You could get creative with clothes for your religion. Hijabs and burkas can have various colors that can be very attractive. Burkas are usually black, but hijabs can have an array of colors. You may want to look at a color wheel and see which colors you like the most.

Children will learn from what you do and not what you say. You are a role model for what clothes you wear and for everything else that you do. Do the best that you can to be the best role model that you can. It can be hard, but just do your best.

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