Saturday, July 9, 2016

Useful Upholstery Cleaning Tips Offered By Duluth Professional Carpet Cleaner

By Clinton Arnhold

The decor of a room is largely impacted by the furniture within it. Not only do these items provide comfort for those within the space, but they also serve as focal elements. To keep upholstery looking fresh, a professional carpet cleaning Duluth GA service offers maintenance tips.

When most people think of doing housekeeping, what generally comes to mind are tasks such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, and picking up the clutter. Very few stop to consider the importance of tending to the upholstery as well. Without proper attention, the toll of everyday life can leave it looking dingy, dull, and worn.

Vacuuming is an essential part of maintaining upholstered furniture. Dust, dirt, pet hair, and dander, can all build up in the fabric over time, making it heavy, and laden with allergens and debris. Optimally, it is recommended that pieces be vacuumed on a weekly basis, paying close attention to the creases, crevices, folds, and tufts.

Just as vacuuming is important, so is addressing spills and stains promptly so that they are not permitted to set and become permanent. The most effective way to do this is to blot them using a white cloth, or paper towel, working from the outer rim towards the middle. Do not rub, or scrub it, as this could push the substance further into the weave of the fabric and the cushion stuffing.

When choosing an upholstery cleaner, be very careful to select one that is appropriate for both the fabric, and type of stain. No one product will be suitable for all materials or substances. Furniture typically comes with a care tag attached in an inconspicuous location, which will give instructions on the best way to address this task.

If opting to clean the upholstery by oneself, take care not to get it too wet. If the liquid should seep down into the stuffing, it could create the perfect environment for breeding bacteria, mold, and mildew. If the piece is old, antique, expensive, or valuable, it may be best to utilize professional services.

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