Sunday, September 4, 2016

How To Ensure That Your Charm Catcher Is Effective

By Frank Bennett

Ancient societies held the belief that nature was connected through an energy stream. Animals, objects and people tapped their power from this singular stream. Dreams, both good and bad were found in the air. The charm catcher was used to confuse the bad dreams and allow the good ones to get to a person. This ensured that one had a good night sleep and luck during the day. Capturing the good charms and confusing the bad ones required a web.

Dream catchers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are large catchers and small catchers depending on personal preference. They are available from specialty shops. They come in the form of necklaces with pendants of different designs attached to it. The choice of design will depend on personal preference and the area the catcher will be used.

It is grand mothers who would weave the catchers on behalf of their grand children. These charms were used in bedrooms or around sleeping areas to facilitate good dreams that would give children a peaceful night. Adults also use them in chains and bracelets for good luck purposes. They ensure that the adults are protected from bad luck in their endeavors. Feathers from different birds remain the main feature.

Catchers are used beyond the bedroom. People want to keep catching the good omen while on the move. This has seen them move away from real bird feathers because they succumb to elements like water and sweat. They have also added crystals to make them more interesting and attractive on the body.

The overall design of a catcher depends on personal taste. Personal preference does not eliminate the web and the feather from the general design. The web is used for confusing bad omen while movement of the feather indicates a passing dream. Catchers come in different shapes, the most popular ones being circular. Some people prefer abstract shapes as long as the feather is there. The color is not a factor when designing a catcher.

Since feathers are the original motif for making catchers, sculptures have moved from original bird feather to create sculptures similar to what is used for ordinary pendants. They only ensure that the image of a feather is maintained. In fact, the catcher is concealed in an ordinary necklace. This design allows you to adorn the charmer anywhere without being extra conscious or attracting undesired attention. This will protect you from attack by evil spirit.

It is a ritual to take the catchers to the park before adorning them on your body. The idea is to allow the catcher to tap into the natural charms in the environment. A cotton bag is used to transport the charms because its softness protects them from harm. Catchers also need to move freely in order to capture bad dreams. As such, they are kept away from walls when used around beds. It is ok to hang it on the neck or a place where the feather is not restricted from movement.

Catchers come in different colors and shapes. Adding one to your life brings good fortunes and keeps away bad omen. It does not require extreme consciousness to work. Just having it on any part of your body is enough to bring you good fortunes. Ensure that you give it a unique twist for comfort purposes.

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