Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reasons Why A Faux Fur Throw Blanket Is Better

By Jennifer Foster

Luxury has always been associated with fur. One can admit that a little fur goes a long way. It could be on clothes or as drapery in a room. It makes any room look elegant in an instant. It is no question that this material is beautiful. The biggest draw back though, are the living beings that die at the cost of fashion. That's when synthetics comes in.

Technology has made synthetic fabric production so good that anyone can barely tell apart what is authentic from what is not. Aesthetic is not compromised when using fakes. It feels just as relaxing to lounging on a faux fur throw blanket on the bed. Style does not need to come at high price anymore.

Fakes started getting in the market in the 1950s. Manufacturers were finally able to produce synthetic one that can compete with the authentic ones. Back then no one would bat and eye when someone wears fur. Now when people wear it and may get stared down in hostility.

Fakes can now be made to look like the coat of any animal you want. It can perfectly accentuate any room and turn it from cold to cozy in an instant. Imagine feeling the throw blanket welcome you into its warm and soft fabric after a long hard day. Lay it out on the floor in front of the fire-place and enjoy a mug of hot chocolate.

The designs of synthetics can range from safari prints to monochromatic woven patterns. They come in different styles that perfectly fit any couch, bed or chair. Beaver, mink, rabbit and the Bengal Tiger patterns are the more sought after designs. This is the only bargain that does not have the short end of the stick.

While A genuine animal hair coat still shouts luxury and wealth, maintaining it can be discouraging. Authentic coats expose the user to harmful chemicals that need to be used to keep it the coat in mint condition. It is made from nature, so it should rot eventually. Since fakes are synthetic, maintenance is not tedious. Instructions from the care label can be easily followed.

In the past, wearing authentic animal coats is a status symbol. No one would be caught dead wearing faux. The in-authenticity of fakes can be done away with these days. Fabric making technology has evolved so much that creating a synthetic replica of animal hair is simple. Maintaining the elegance of the genuine coat with an artificial replica for half the price is an offer that is very difficult to refuse.

Genuine animal coats has a tendency to be hot and heavy. Good fauxs are comfortable and warm without taking away the benefits that the genuine one can offer. The Synthetic and natural fibers are used to create fauxs give it its texture that can compete with the genuine ones in the market.

More importantly, purchasing fauxs saves the environment. It does not only reduce the cruelty on rabbits and foxes, but it spares nature from harmful chemical pollutants used in the process of producing and farming fur. Gladly, making faux does not involve very dangerous chemicals. Caring more for the environment above social status and fashion is a sign of a healthy and socially concerned consumers.

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