Saturday, October 8, 2016

Timeless Fashion Looks Never Get Old

By Dennis Allen

The world is in a constant state of flux. As soon as new fashion trends are introduced they become outdated. However, there are the few that are truly golden. They never get boring or old. These are classified as timeless fashion looks. There is that million dollar appearance that can never be erased or fatigued by the progression of time. Actually, time strengthens it and makes it more popular. Some looks are not seasonal in nature. They are not the preserve of a particular generation but stay for many generations and still remain very fresh and vibrant.

There are cases of up to three generations enjoying the same item and being seen with the same outfit or accessory. Not everything is meant to be thrown out after some years. A select few items are keepsakes. They are worth keeping no matter the circumstance. An individual will bequeath something timeless and precious to his children to enjoy. Old is sometimes truly golden.

Most modern trends are fleeting. Vane is the word that best describes them. They do not have substance and merely ride on pure hype. Excitement alone cannot build a brand. It takes something more solid to create a true classic. This is stuff that is never outdated, old or unusable. True genius lies in creating something that will defy time.

People have always worn watches since the dawn of modern civilizations. People thought that the smart phone would consign the watch to obscurity. That was never the case. Swiss manufactured watches that debuted decades ago still have market in the present world. This is because of their eternal elegance and functionality. A luxury watch will surely outlive its owner.

The t-shirt is an ubiquitous clothing item. It is everywhere. Many people wear it on a daily basis. Since its invention, it has become the most popular clothing item in the world. This is not going to change. People will still wear plain white t-shirts, millennia down the line. A t-shirt is a simple item that matches most outfits.

The blue jeans is not going anywhere. This is not a modern invention. It has been around for decades. Many years after the first jeans was produced, many people still like their jeans blue. This is because this style easily matches with a wide variety of outfits. A jeans is an item of great value that lasts long.

The dress is as old as civilizations. Over the years, people have found better ways to style it. However, the fact remains that many women still wear dresses that have classical influences. There are certain dress styles that will still feature prominently in future decades. This is because of their glamour, comfort and ingenuity. The dress is here to stay.

In the world, few things have an infinite lifespan. Even human life itself is finite. There is the day of birth and the day of death. Some styles never last more than 5 years. Others remain relevant for only half a century. However, there are those that will endure centuries and still remain relevant and fresh. Lasting power is the name of the game.

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