Friday, November 25, 2016

How To Handicap In A Paddock Room For Beginners

By Jessica Kelly

Racing horses have been the very first form of gambling dating back to the ancient times. Gambling is fun not only for winning, but for the act of taking a chance at winning. This is why people go back to casinos and other platforms of gambling when they can even after a huge loss. The best part about handicapping is how it has been turned into more of a science than an art.

There are many ways and factors to consider when handicapping. This is the term called by those who frequent the paddock room. Handicapping, is the art of predicting which horse has the most chances of winning. The matter is quite complicated especially for beginners, but there are bound to be pointers that you can work with.

As a beginner there are always tips to help you out. The first thing to know, apart from how to bet, are the types of bets you can participate in. The most novice friendly would be the Show and Place type since they both are simple and a great way to ease in the practice of handicapping. Show bets only require two dollars and three horses that land first, second and third place.

For those that know the basics, want to delve deeper as a handicap and have the money to spare the average difficulty and the harder types may be best. Exacta and the Trifecta would need some studying for it to be more likely to win. These are inherently more expensive since the rewards are higher.

The hardest one feels more like you are betting in lottery. As much as you would like to be convinced on winning based on genius handicapping skills, you would need some psychic ability and incredible amount of luck on your side. The hardest type would be Pick six, since it would need you to have 6 consecutive wins for the whole day.

Betting on the more complicated types require you to read some sort of publication to keep track of winnings and losses. The DRF or the Daily Racing Form has all the past information about the performances of all horses running for that days program. These can cost four dollars a copy and includes informative horse racing articles.

Things to consider are also any changes done with the jockey or rider and the trainer. Some enthusiasts may even largely consider the jockey when making their bets. It is very likely that the best jockeys also get the best mounts. But there also cases where the rider can ruin their chances of winning with a bad ride.

Yes, the race can be ruined entirely by a bad ride on the wrong mount. Another factor to consider is the race track and what it is made of. It can be turf, grass or dirt which affects how the horses run. Some are best at one track and bad at another. Knowing details like these are exactly what the charts from the DRF is for.

These details are exactly what the DRF is for. The whole thing looks like it can be compared to the stock market. But apart from all this mental hustle and bustle, ultimately this type of gambling has maintained is cultural and traditional relevance and is a great venue to take friends and family.

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