Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How To Choose The Right Area Rugs

By Carolyn Price

There are many things to consider before purchasing area rugs. They come in many colours, shapes and styles, and it is definitely worth putting some thought into what will be the best addition to the space before making a purchase. Prices vary as well, so it is always best to take this into consideration as well.

A common theme when buying rugs is to purchase the most expensive one can afford. Higher price is often indicative of better quality. Those made of silk or wool will last for a very long time and stand up far better then lower priced ones. They are also easier to clean and tend to look better over time. Lower priced ones will begin to show wear and tear after a short period of time and will need to be replaced far more often. They can also be difficult to clean and may be a poor choice for homes with pets and children.

Take accurate measurements of the room where the piece will go. It should not fit into the room like wall to wall carpeting. Generally, the rule of thumb is that there should be two feet of space between the edges of the carpet and the walls. This is not a hard and fast rule, however, especially if using more than one or those of different sizes and shapes.

The colours of the furniture, walls and the other decor should also be taken into consideration. A rug that will work now and in the future is the best bet. Furnishings and wall colours now may not be what they will be a couple of years from now, so buying something that is trendy may not be the best idea, especially if the intention is not to buy a new rug every time the decor changes.

Be an educated buyer and know as much as possible before going out to buy one. Talk to family, friends and coworkers and ask for a recommendation. Do research, look online and ensure that when visiting stores that the salesperson knows what they are talking about before buying. Gathering information and being a smart buyer can help avoid disappointment.

Consider the shapes available as well. Just because the room is rectangular doesn't mean the rug must be rectangular as well. There are many options including square, rectangular, animal hide shaped, round, oval, and everything in between. This is a matter of personal preference and fit for the space. Different shapes can be very pleasing to the eye and add interest to any room.

Rugs for beneath a dining room table should extend beyond the perimeter of it by a minimum of eighteen inches for the best look. When placing one under the bed, extending it by a couple of feet beyond the dimensions of the bed helps keep things well proportioned and will make sure that it can be seen.

Finding the perfect rug does not need to be difficult and can be a very rewarding experience. Consider budget, shape, size and placement before buying to help ensure a great outcome.

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