Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Steps For Successful Screen Printing Colorado

By Janet Hughes

The idea of producing images on different materials has been in existence for many years. This has been used by individuals or business people for the sake of their company. However, the hardest part comes when one decides to do this job since it requires a lot of expertise. This should not be a problem when you engage screen printing Colorado experts. Here, you are going to learn some of the steps that will aid in a successful outcome of the images.

The very initial stage is to know what kind of images you want to be printed. This should be in your mind before anything else is done. For the easiest time, come up with just simple photos because they will not make anything complicated.

The next thing is to have all your materials with you before you start the work. It is here that you should have materials to be printed like the T-shirts, fabric or a scarf. Ensure you also have your frame and squeegee to make things easy for you.

After gathering the tools and materials, ensure the frames together with the screens are prepared. Take your time and determine the type of frame to be used. The fabric you will use here should be tight and also secured. A straight fabric should be used since you do not want to have uneven spread ink on your work. Remember to use only middle abrasive when cleaning the screens.

The other step is to now spread the needed image emulsions onto the screens. It is always a good idea to understand all the written instructions on your container. Here you will need to put together the sensitizer and the emulsions. The idea of these emulsions is to always spread equally on your screens. This is done to cover up the holes. Again, you should place the screens in a dim place so as to allow it to dry fast.

The next stage is burning of the image to the screens. You should fix your image to the screens and make sure it is exposed to the light. This is done so that ink can go through the platform and eventually transferred to the intended image to be printed. This is where you need to ensure the emulsion is completely dry. You will be required to have a light that will be used for exposing your screens.

When you notice that the emulsion has dried up, it is time to rinse the screens. First, you need to take out your artwork and rinse your screens. This should be done using cold water. You can do this in your sink, garden or shower.

The lasts stages should be cleaning and print. When doing the print, masking tape will be of great use because it will prevent the leakages from affecting the work. Newspapers should also come in handy because they will prevent any damages on your surfaces. Using your squeegee, the images will come out right because only the needed ink will get to the images. In Colorado, different manufacturers will offer different solutions on curing, so it is your choice to use the most appropriate recommendations for you.

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