Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Fashion & 3 Reasons Instagram Matters, With Online Marketing Companies

By Paula Hess

If you're a fashion expert, it would be in your best interest to take advantage of social media. Of course, this takes on many different forms, which are used by online marketing companies across the board. When it comes to fashion, many will tell you that Instagram yields the most results. For a better understanding as to the perks this particular social network has to offer, here are just 3 that stand out.

First and foremost, Instagram is very much a social media network built upon visual media. Most of the posts that are found on the site are pictures, which is ideal for showcasing some of the latest articles of clothing. Everything from simple t-shirts to elegant dresses can be shown, drawing the attention of those that want to build upon their existing wardrobes. The visual nature of Instagram is difficult to overlook.

In addition to posting pictures of fashion-related products, it's important for curious buyers to purchase them. Instagram makes this quite easy, as users are able to include links where the products in question can be bought. What this does, in theory, is shift Instagram to become something of an ecommerce platform as well as a social media platform. Online marketing companies across the board would be hard-pressed to disagree.

Finally, despite how niche people may believe Instagram to be, it's one of the larger networking platforms in the world. Did you know that Instagram boasts approximately 600 million monthly users? What this means, according to the likes of, is that the content you post on this site has the potential to reach these people, as well as those that decide to create accounts later on down the road. For fashion experts, it's important to go where the people are.

Regardless of the position that you hold in fashion - retailer, designer, marketer, etc. - it's important to understand just how powerful social media can be. Not all channels will yield the utmost results, so place your focus on certain channels more so than others. Needless to say, Instagram stands out in this respect. By learning about Instagram, implementing it over time so that you become more accustomed to it, you'll see just how useful this platform can be.

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