Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Look Fabulous With Tape In Extensions

By Maria Turner

Choosing a hairstyle is not always easy, unless one has the ability to style and color hair as often as they please. Even if one is a trained professional, there are times when a dream style does not work with a facial structure or it just will not come together as desired. The good news is that hair weaves, particularly tape in extensions, have come a long way and people cannot get enough.

While there have been many ways to add hair over the past few decades, this method brings together the best of both worlds. The old method consisted of braiding hair to the scalp and sewing before adding the hair. This took a long time, could be painful and was expensive. This new way allows the average wearer to enjoy their new hair in a matter of minutes.

The hair choices have also improved, as there are more than just standard colors to choose from. Textures are varied, allowing the wearer to go from straight to curly to wavy without dealing with heat or chemicals. Colors range from just about every shade of the rainbow, including the new creamy pastel colors.

Hair extension tape is fairly easy to remove but it has an intense holding power that is best handled by someone with experience. An alternative would be to use an oil based remover that helps the hair slide off in a minute or less. This method of removal is also the least likely to damage hair when done right. The tape method also allows for easy reapplication.

A lot of famous people prefer this over wigs because it looks more natural and the scalp does not get as hot inside. Extensions are also more flexible and easier to style between performances. Instead of subjecting their natural hair to hot lights and constant styling, this is a better option.

It is common for the wearer to get caught up in the mystique of a hair weave, especially when it is first applied. Long term wearers need to realize that both the weaved hair and natural strands attached need care. For those with dry hair, this can be tricky since excess oil causes the tape to separate. Those with naturally oily hair should ask their beauty operator for the best cleaning methods that will keep their styles intact.

Another advantage to wearing weaves is that people can grow their short hair long with just a little care. The best method may be to use a leave in conditioner after every shampoo, followed by a light moisturizer on the scalp. If this is a hair goal, one should consult an expert on how to transition without drying the hair or causing breakage.

More people are turning to these for a number of reasons. Some operators do not charge as much as the traditional methods, which entails a lot of steps. Wearers like the fact that these are not bulky and they can have a new style in less than an hour, in most cases. Although it is an innovative bonding process, it can withstand a lot in terms of styling or athletic activity.

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