Friday, September 15, 2017

Utilizing Tattoo Concealer May Only Be Necessary In The Beginning

By Patricia Scott

Not every employer is open to the notion of hiring people with tattoos. This can be a real problem for the hundreds of thousands of young people who get all tatted up during college, before realizing this choice may have limited their career opportunities. However, with the right tattoo concealer, a person can prove themselves before revealing their secret.

Self expression is often sought through body art and piercings to ornament the body in various styles. Some ornamentation is still more readily acceptable in the workplace than others, and visible tattoos can be a problem. What one might not realize is there may be a process to making their ink visible and accepted in their job, but the interview is not the time.

In traditionally conservative industries, exposed body artwork is still regarded as unacceptable. Utilizing the right cover-up may become part of the daily routine, depending on where tattoos are and what sort of professional attire is worn. Sleeves are a very popular form of body art these days, however, much of that is exposed in any short or mid-length sleeve.

Even if one is interviewing in a more liberal industry, presenting yourself initially without showing just how extensive your artwork is may be a better bet. Certain assumptions are sometimes made with regards to heavily tattooed people. Even though those assumptions are almost always wrong, donning a more conservative appearance in the beginning may allow them to see you, not just your art.

People who are serious about their ink hate the idea of selling out, but a little selling out now just might change the world later. Interviews are the part of a process where the employee sells themselves, even if they are going for a better job at the same company. In the interview process, you want the interviewer to be looking at you, and not your body art.

When a person starts a job they are getting to know their coworkers, and their company as a whole; but the company is also getting to know them. No one can truly prove their merit in the first few weeks, but an opportunity to step up and show what you can do will present itself eventually. Once you have had that opportunity to shine, you are less likely to be negatively judged for your body art.

Once an employee has shown their true worth, it becomes more and more acceptable to show more sides of themselves. Well, acceptable might not be the best word to describe being bold enough to no longer care what anybody might think because you know you have proven the value of your skills. In fact, showing something as intimate as body art at that point just shows how dynamic an individual you are.

Becoming vital within a stuffy industry, then exposing how conservative you are not, is precisely how the attitudes of corporate America have been changing. Women probably did not show up to the interview in a pant suit, but pants are definitely acceptable attire for women in business now. Men did not start out wearing their earrings at work, but this ornamentation is as typical for men as women.

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