Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Simple Step By Step Guide In Making Digital Spiritual Art T Shirts

By Frances Smith

There are numerous beliefs and practices these days that correlate with various activities, whose aim is to achieve a level of spiritual enlightenment. Instead of focusing on the destination, it puts a lot of emphasis into the journey getting there instead. For some men and women, this relates to a religious experience and incorporates deities and various goods they believe will guide them to what their religion calls nirvana.

When speaking of this topic, different people will express their beliefs in different ways. Over the course of history, human kind has been known to create many artworks that depict their emotions and musings on the subject matter. This resulted in creating paintings, wall murals, glass art, and more. Following this trail of thought, this article will be discussing on how to design your own digital Spiritual Art T Shirts.

To begin, look within yourself and think about this word means to you. What kind of significance does it have in your life and in what way are you able to portray this through art. By having a clear idea of this, you are capable of transitioning your thoughts into paper to give it a more meaningful and personalized touch.

Once you have determined this factor, you can start to come up with a couple of test sketches. These sketches are called studies and they will be used to help you make the final design, as a point of reference and acts as your guideline in case you miss anything. As this point, feel free to experiment and take as long as you need to or you feel satisfied with your concepts.

Once you are finished, start to ponder on what kind of color scheme and fabric you would like to use. Keep in mind that some colors represent certain meanings and to choose ones that will complement each other, not clash as a whole. This leads in being able to make something that appears peaceful and harmonious, and at the same time looks good with your fabric of choice.

The next step would be to create your final draft. This drawing is the one you will scan and edit out on your personal computer, so it must be done carefully. Look over your study sketches and use it as a reference for some portions and to add certain elements you feel will look good with the overall concept. Erase those that do not quite fit in and keep the ones that look great.

Outlining is the next step, which requires you to apply some ink onto it. Use a fine tipped marker or a brush, whichever you prefer to use. Make sure the outline is thick and clearly visible, to avoid any complications upon scanning. Also, always give it a few minutes to become completely dry before attempting to scan it, since it could ruin the artwork itself.

After scanning the entire design, open your preferred editing software. Use the different tools available at your disposal to improve it. Apply the colors you prefer and apply some effects to improve it. Do not be afraid to experiment with it, as long as you feel that it will help contribute with the final outcome.

When you are finished, save it using the proper file extension and setting the right resolution. It would be best to set it to a high resolution because a low one will cause the image to become fuzzy and unclear. Furthermore, should be in the right dimensions. After doing so, you can then print it out and wear it or create more to give to your friends and family.

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