Saturday, October 21, 2017

Art Schools Pennsylvania For Kids

By Joshua Carter

Many people believed that the occurrence of the internet has drowned the people's interest for the arts. In fact, every new technologically advanced gadget that the world comes up with seems to slowly make people forget about the real essence of the arts. However, all these notions are not true because, despite the efforts of technology to make people forget about the arts, the whole packaging of the gadgets relies on art to sell. They say that there is no money in art, but the truth is that many people who engage in the art are not in it for the money. They enroll in the top Art schools Pennsylvania because they want to reward themselves for working very hard.

Mostly, people who enroll in the top artistry institutions that are included in the artistry school rankings, which only mean that they stand out from all the other institutions, are those people who have pursued other career paths but still found themselves yearning for what artistry could do for them.

If only school budgets had been in crisis then as they are now. I could've had a shorter school day, or even shorter school week, and spent that extra time in a class full of students as passionate and interested in artistry training as I was.

The common misconception is that some people are artistic and others are not has led to proposals in lower education NOT to grade artistry classes. Frankly, the whole notion is poppycock. Everyone is talented and creative and capable of producing (or performing) something of beauty. That's where fine artistry institutions fill a niche.

All my math teachers in those crucial middle school years were sports coaches. They taught by rote and playbook illustrations that were meaningless to me, instead of by any application that was relevant in my brain, (namely artistry.)

Most of the artists of this generation excel not only in the artistry that they do but they excel in producing materials that are artsy but at the same time functional. Those who are into visual arts often find comfort in working for an advertising firm creating product and image designs for clients. Not only are they able to help people but they are also earning money out of it.

Did you know that compared to how much artists before are paid, the artists of this new generation are earning more than what others like them ten years ago have always dreamed of? They are paid well, and that is enough compensation to produce artistry forms using new media and touching lives of as many people as possible.

The top artistry schools have helped changed the career of most artists instilling in them the importance of having a good and stable job and at the same time practicing the craft. There is nothing wrong with artists who work for advertising agencies on online web designing because these are jobs that secure the future of these artists. They do not have to start anymore and practice their craft. They can both earn money and at the same time make a world a better place with their art.

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