Sunday, October 8, 2017

How To Stop Bullying With Items Like Play Nice Tees

By Amy Cooper

In our society, there are often the things that are done and seem uncontrollable even though they are malevolent. This is due to culture or simply a lack of initiative from the various stakeholders. Bullying is one such issue that instead of being contained has naturally evolved into becoming a sophisticated evil. Play nice tees are meant to help people change their perspectives and embrace kindness and tolerance. This article will look at the things that can be done to deter bullying.

When there are regulations in place to tackle this habit, its prevalence can be reduced drastically. There should be a price to pay for anyone who is seen to promote this evil. There are legislations in place to deal with this problem, but any gains cannot be realized if there lacks a concerted effort from the stakeholders. The tutors, students, and parents should work together with the guidance of the available rules.

When people are aware that a certain activity is not right, they will be willing to promote any campaigns against it. The basic thing to do to fight bullying out of schools is making people aware of its negative implications and influencing them to accept any actions that are in place to stop it. Mindfulness keeps people alert and ready to tackle an issue.

Schools should have programs that are meant to educate the students about this problem on a regular basis. Actually, due to the seriousness of the issue, courses should be added to the curriculum of high schools to deal with this very subject from a deeper perspective. Frequently, there should be assemblies that discuss the issue and various individuals invited like the police to emphasize the repercussions of the vice.

Charity begins at home and as such any acts of kindness and love will mostly be taught to the kids through the parents. It is the parents who should warn their teen against bullying their neighbors and fellow kids. If they notice that their child is changing, they should be helpful and support the tutors instead of criticizing them.

There has to be a control regarding the use of the social sites. The creators of these forums meant good to the users and often have rules guiding their utilization and administration. However, there has been a lot of abuse especially from persons who wish to defame their fellow students. Teachers have also not been spared in this mess, with many of them facing the wrath of unruly kids.

We need to ensure that our tutors are safe if at all any achievements against bullying can be made. It is evident that kids have a lot of freedom and sometimes they may opt to misuse it. Since the teachers do not feel protected, they usually ignore any harassment incidents for fear of intimidation from the students or their parents.

The problem of bullying can only be eradicated if gets considered as an epidemic. The fact that it is prevalent should make us think long and hard about its far-reaching consequences. The society has to be firm against this matter so that change can be achieved both in our minds and actions.

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