Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Reasons Why You Should Read The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann

By Lisa Cole

Finding a good book can be difficult because not so many books are captivating. However, there are certain books that were written in twentieth century that were so captivating and still are. The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann is one such work of writing. This book was first published in the month of November the year 1924 although the actual writing started twelve years before that is in 1912. Since then it has continued to receive a lot of accolade because of its captivating content.

There is countless number of reasons why reading this book could prove worth it. For starters, the way the author has introduced this book is so captivating. The beginning has been laid out in such a manner that the reader gets a sneak preview of the events to unfold as well as an introduction to some of the characters as well as the leading character, Hans Castorp.

Most people shy away from reading novels mostly because the language used does not make any sense to them. However, with the Magic Mountain you are sure not to encounter any such problems because the language has been properly laid out and the sentences have a natural flow about them. Therefore, this is the book to keep you occupied as you are not likely to get bored any time soon.

One thing that makes the novel so captivating is the way the author has described various characters as well as situations. The details that have been used draw every reader to read more. Thomas has found a more unusual way of describing both the characters and events unfolding. In addition to this, he has not used too many words; thus, making the book a quality novel.

The characters in this novel are also well developed. The characters have been developed in such a way that they feel real. They are not one-sided in the sense that no one character has been depicted to be perfect. Both their strengths and flaws have been cited; thus, making the story line even more interesting to read. This is an amazing quality because it enables the reader to relate to the characters.

There is nothing as interesting as reading a novel where you can remember what the characters said. This is what makes this book a must read. The novel has dialogue that is impossible to forget since it tells a reader something about a certain character or situation. In addition, the author has used this to add tension and conflict; thus, making the novel more interesting.

If you are looking for original, then this is the book for you. It has a story line that is hard to predict making it more interesting. Everything contained in this book is shouts originality from the plot, character development all the way to the concept behind the book; all are pure original works of art.

The conclusion of every story serves the same purpose as the opening. Most writers write great stories only to offer a disappointing conclusion. However, this is not the case in the Magic Mountain because this is where you are sure to find an ending that will completely satisfy you.

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