Sunday, April 15, 2018

An Overview Of Natural Conch Pearls

By Kevin McDonald

People care about their appearance as it influences how others will perceive them. One must, therefore, employ ways that will improve the appearance as much as possible. The most common way is wearing attractive jewelry. The value of such is improved when one is made of natural conch pearls. The occurrence of these gems is limited thus raising their demand accordingly. Below is a highlight of their utility and the need for their protection.

Natural pearls are rarely found. Their demand in the market is, therefore, higher thus raising their price tags considerably. Owning a product made of the item will be a great way of representing a higher social class. Consequently, people will respect you and assign a high social status from such a presentation. One develops high esteem from the assigned status thus building a strong personal character.

These natural treasures can only be produced by queen conchs. Human intervention does not affect increased production. The production level will, therefore, remain low as time passes on. People have given different values to the treasures. Some use them to perform rituals while the largest population uses them for ornamental reasons. Their natural occurrence has made them unique from other pearls considerably.

The shades in these rocks are special. Different pearls have different colors thus allowing one to apply artistic skills in designing a given jewelry. You have the opportunity to select the most preferred color. Pink gems are given a high value that makes them the most expensive. Their pigment is attractive and unique which has a positive impact on the appearance.

The sizes and shapes also differ from one conch gem to the other. Their value is assigned from the weight whereby they are measured in carats. Large ones have more carats and are more expensive. The shapes allow the producers to design various ornaments differently. One can make some jewelry from these treasures. Products from such treasures make good gifts. One feels appreciated when presented with such products at any one given time.

The creature responsible for the production of these rare ornaments is the queen conch. This is a rare sea snail that is edible. Residents of the Caribbean have developed numerous recipes for this sea creature that reward them with more products than just food. Only a small percentage produces the pearls since this comes as a reaction of body to the irritation. Nonetheless, the creature will always remain useful.

The search for the rare ornaments has resulted in excessive fishing of the snails. The domino effect is a reduced population which threatens the extinction of the special creatures. Most states have banned the fishing of these creatures as a way of maintaining their population at reasonable numbers. Their harvesting has been left to the southern Caribbean region. Nonetheless, the population is getting low in these regions too thus increasing scarcity of natural conchs.

With this rate, conch harvesting should be regulated hence allowing them to reproduce and reach a certain number. At this stage, harvesting may be initiated in a moderated manner which will see the existence is maintained. The people have to protect their environment for the sake of future generations. Protecting such endangered species will keep their numbers high hence enabling the creatures to continue thriving.

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