Saturday, June 2, 2018

Draw The Masses With A Unique T Shirt Design Lake Elsinore

By Cynthia Allen

Printed articles of clothing capture attention. Rarely will one pass a printed top without attempting to read. This is why most companies brand tops for their employees and other affiliates. It is a great marketing tool. It also makes for a strong avenue through which stance on a particular issue, political, social or otherwise can be made known. Not to mention, it is mad fun to wear one of those with funny brands. If done right, a T shirt design Lake Elsinore business would do very well.

The first thing to keep in mind when coming up with a brand for the top is the font. The font is incredibly important as it tells the beholder whether the message will be serious or funny as hell. If the top holds a joke, get a quirky font. It would be disturbing and border on unpleasant to read about feminism in Jokerman font. Get a font that supports the message. Prepare the beholder before they read the message.

Different fonts have different spacing guidelines. On a book or paper print out, spacing issues are forgivable. However, on a top, uneven spacing on letters and words would only confuse the mind. Tracking is a way to reset the spacing so that it is eve. The next step after this is kerning. This serves two letters at a time instead of the whole word.

Where a statement breaks is paramount to the understanding of the message. If the breaking of logical phrases is random, the brain of the reader will have to work a lot harder to make sense of it, therefore, making for an unpleasant experience. Try to ensure that the lines break at logical points. Line breaking should be intentional and supportive of the message.

The verification process can be tedious especially because the designer will have spent hours staring at the words. After those hours, the spacing issues fade into the words. One tip to find the faded spacing issues is to look at the design upside down. The aim is to delay registration of the letters long enough to notice minor spacing problems then fixing them. This works on all levels from letters to words to the line spacing.

Next, look at it reflected in a mirror. After the first tip, this would ensure that the brain only sees the letters as shapes. This further sharpens and brings focus to the spaces. Fix the mistakes as seen. Do not try to make a catalog. Fix while looking in the reflection so that it does not disappear once the eye is refocused.

Any apparel business would do well to include this as a department. It widens the clientele pool. It also gives the business an edge. It separates the business from other traditional companies. In this day and age when the millennials are driving business success, it would be greatly beneficial.

However, this could fail if measures are not put in place to ensure that the clients feel taken care of. Most people who wear such tops have a quirky side and might suggest some very outrageous designs. The company should ensure the capability to handle such without batting an eye. The company should also find a way to allow the clients order as many pieces as they want.

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