Sunday, August 12, 2018

Theatrical Performances And Stage Play

By Timothy Lewis

There many artist in the world. Every individuals is different kind of artist, even animals can be artists as well. Artists express themselves by their emotions, wild imagination or getting inspirations by scenery views and ideas from the environment. Different artist to mention like in painting, sculpture, calligraphy, illustrations, performance, photography and a lot more even in makeup for theater.

People in general have given talent that needs to be developed. There are a lot of people has a hidden talent, sometimes wonder by accident that they have that talent hidden by themselves. Talent can be developed by practicing the art perfectly or practicing until you mastering the art or performance. Excessive talents can be glorious artists in any kind of arts.

There are many known inventions in the world like drones, cars, watches, glasses, and in this generation are the smart phones. Smart phone nowadays is in demand due the technologies given to the gadget. You can easily access information by the palm of your hands compare to computers. Computers need monitor, keyboard, mouse and a processing tower to access and make information.

Dancing is one of performing arts, it described in many ways. The rhythm of the drum is always common to follow the beats by using movements of the feet and hands, including the body and head. Dancing can do by one person, duo or in a group. Dancing is exercises for your body to maintain a good body figure.

Inspirations on the other hand is different, this kind of traits need to set a goal to finish whatever you do in life. Inspiration is acquire a mentally to do wonderful things or feeling something amazing and can create wonderful things. Inspiration is common on feelings, when a person like or love someone, they automatically inspired to their daily routine.

Companies making makeups are competing by the products they had made. Marketing is one big factor to sell their products to the market. Some companies more on quantity but not in quality, but some of them makes their products in quality. Commercials and fashion show held to show case the beauty of the products. Models in catwalks always use makeups.

As well in makeups, makeups are need in special events, parties, occasions and gatherings. Artist on this category is needed. The beautification is needed by a person to show livelier and not dull when people go out. It needs precise makeups to put to the face, and necessary makeups are needed in different part of the face.

Mostly woman put makeups and since nineteen fifteens the world using makeups, to beautify the woman faces to show to the people they love and bragging to the friends. Ancient people in particular countries use makeups to show god how beautiful it creations. Woman is always care about the beauty, so using makeups sometimes hiding scar or hiding birthmark in the cheek or nose.

Advancing in science can help the daily needs even in teachings, medical aspects and engineering. It will create inventing something that are necessary to the people needs and helping to ease the heavy burden from work. Chemist as a scientist focus on chemicals even makeups.

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