Monday, September 24, 2018

Tips For Ensuring Your Next Frisco School Fundraising Event Is A Real Money Maker

By Roger Richardson

Public schools are always looking for ways to bring in extra money. For this they depend on volunteer parents. If you've got time, and some organizational skills, volunteering to head up the next Frisco school fundraising event could be an interesting challenge. If this is your first experience managing a big fundraiser, you should take advantage of the advice experts have for raising record amounts of money.

It will be necessary to delegate some of the responsibilities. There are always talented parents willing to help. You might ask one who is especially creative to come up with a catchy slogan that gets your message across at the same time. This individual might also be put in charge of letting other parents know what's going on.

This can be done by sending out email blasts, putting articles in the local newspaper, putting up signs, and sending out newsletters. The pertinent information should be prominently displayed on the school website. The announcements need to include the date sales packages will be going home with the kids. It should be suggested that parents support their children without doing all the work for them.

You can't wait until the last minute to get the word out. It's also important for the parents and the kids to know what the money is being raised for. This gives them a reason to get behind the effort. Getting the kids involved is important as well. With the cooperation of the teachers, you might suggest that each kid create a drawing depicting a scene that shows how the money will be used and then take it home with them.

This won't be enough to keep the excitement level high however. Kids move on to other things quickly. To keep them motivated, consider creating a giant theme-based thermometer that shows how the sale is progressing. It should have a prominent place in the school's front lobby.

When a particular class reaches its goal the teacher could declare extra play time or a day when kids can come dressed up as their favorite action hero. Creating goals for each student can be an incentive to sell. The student with the most sales each week might have a picture taken and attached to a bulletin board for hall of fame fundraising.

Kids and parents dread school fundraisers because there tend to be too many of them during the year. Instead of several events, plan one or two huge ones. Be sure to let every parent and child know these are the only money making efforts they will be asked to participate in. They will appreciate this and be a lot more likely to get behind your efforts with their time and money.

To get the most participation, try offering prizes for those who make any effort at all. This will get more kids enthusiastic and motivated. As long as the kids are excited, they will try to sell.

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