Friday, November 2, 2018

Fresh And Innovative Knitwear Design

By Gregory Williams

Knitting is a century old trade that produces spectacular clothing. It appears easy but its beauty lies in the knitwear design used. There are old fashioned designs that make the resulting cardigans or furniture wear to look ancient. Other than stick to these old designs, it is necessary to come up with fresh and creative ones that make the resulting products captivating.

The old designs are not to be thrown away wholesomely. Some can be recreated into some of the most magnificent patterns. You only need to give them a new touch that will revamp their appearance. Patterns like flowers, butter flies and cartoon characters have little modifications to be done. However, you can still give them a modern twist that rejuvenates them.

Check the internet for modern designs from around the world. A simple search will reveal knitted cloths from around the world. They are made by craftsmen and societies from across the globe and inspired by different cultures. This makes the internet a rich source of inspiration. The makers of these wears come from different cultural orientation. This means that you have endless possibilities to play around with. You can also share your ideas on knitting communities and watch as other people enhance them.

Knitting is always done for a specific person, home or purpose. Since each person has unique preferences, you should consider them when knitting. Use them to spice your work. It is a way of giving the knitted fabric a personal touch. It makes the cloth more appealing and also gives it sentimental value. If the recipient loves flowers, there are numerous patterns to choose from. This trend is reciprocated for other preferences.

Try a bit of creativity to come up with a design that is unique. While you might be passionate about flowers, you could give the flowers a modern twist that produces a design that is extraordinarily unique. The designs you see on a lot of cloths are developed by individuals and inspired by the most subtle ideas you can imagine. It is not always that you copy from other people.

While creativity is advised, you must know the boundaries or limits. Know what works for you and the intended line of knitwear and what does not work. There are cloths that will perfectly fit flowers while others cannot. The size of the designs and their positioning is also a factor to consider. Have a clear intention in mind so that the designs chosen will be judged as appropriate or not appropriate.

Be ready to invest in the knitting craft and learn under an experienced craftsman. There are rules on the choice of colors, positioning of patterns and such other factors that guide knitting. Unless these rules are followed, you will produce shoddy work. Other elements to learn include the choice of wool and how to mix it with other fabrics to produce a quality cloth. With these technical skills, you can expand your craft to capture new ideas.

The most attractive knitwear is produced from personal creativity. Understand the rules that guide the craft and endeavor to produce the best products. Learn from other craftsmen and engage your creativity. This will help you produce captivating clothing that will blow the minds of people who use them.

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