Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Things To Keep In Mind When Buying Custom Handmade Ties

By Dennis Barnes

Dress codes are becoming more important to people as days go by. Every time you walk out of your door to work, you want to ensure that your outfit is okay even small aspects like the neckties. They complement the overall look but the issue is selecting a bespoke one. There are many varieties out there making it difficult to choose the best. Below are factors to consider when choosing custom handmade ties.

The first tip is checking the proportion of the necktie. There are a variety of sizes and shapes. When it comes to size, pick the one with a standard length and width. Some buyers end up picking without thinking about the length of the necktie. If it goes beyond the belt after tying, then it is not right for you. Do not forget to think about the blazer and your body size. They will affect the general look. Use your judgment to make the right choice.

The next critical factor to consider is the stitch of the tie. It brings a lot of benefits including keeping the two sides of the necktie together and in good shape. Check the stitch before deciding on to purchase. Lack of a stitch will make it look like there are air pockets in it.

The next thing to keep in mind is fabric. Before buying, pick those with the proportion and bar tack you prefer then ask the tailor or the salesperson about the quality of material used. Genuine handmade neckties will have a label stating the material used to make it. If the material is not indicated, inquire or avoid it. Pick the ones that are made of pure silk. In case silk is not available, cotton can be a great option too.

Again, remember to check for a diagonal cut at the blade. This gives the tie a great shape if it is done well. You will not have problems with the knot failing to align with the whole body or the tie twisting to the sides. It ensures the necktie stays balanced without drifting sideways.

The slip knot is another thing you must remember. A tie cannot be custom handmade if it lacks a loop which runs from the blade to the tail. It allows for adjustments that help a lot in increasing the life of the necktie. It reduces the wear and tear resulting from daily use.

Moreover, consider the body. It has the tail which is the small thinner side of the necktie, the blade which is the large end and the gusset which joins these two parts. Checking these parts can tell you the quality of what you are purchasing.

Finally, choose a store or a tailor that will help you understand the maintenance of all the ties you purchase. You might pick the right fabric and proportion but fail to learn about cleaning and storage which can significantly reduce the lifespan.

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