Monday, December 31, 2018

Facts You Should Know About Fair Trade Clothing

By Gary Clark

This is a simple but critical term that is used to refer to the buying and selling of ethical products like clothes. A foundation has come up to support the employees that are not treated the right way. This foundation therefore advocates for the workers to be treated right, work in good and healthy environments and be fairly paid for their work. This foundation thus attempts to alleviate the poor conditions that people may be living in developing countries. The movement supports human rights. The following are some facts about fair trade clothing that you should know.

Everything that you purchase has been made by a person, from the clothes to the shoes you wear. Therefore, there is always a person behind the curtains. This means that everything has a connection to the person who made it. This movement therefore considers the lives of people and focus on the wages, environment and hours of working.

People are urged to purchase these clothes so that they can stand up and support the workers that lack resources. Also, this is a way of supporting the people who are not in a position to speak or do what they want or express themselves. So many workers have been trapped in environments and terrible jobs but can do nothing about it. These people may be getting little pay and work in filthy places.

The garment industry has been found to have so many female employees. This means that the larger percentage of the workers is women. These people therefore go through lots of challenges. They work in terrible conditions that may cause accidents any time. Since this is their only means of survival, they are forced to persevere.

Another reason for buying the fair trade clothes is because almost ninety-eight percent of the clothes people buy are made overseas. America is however among the leading consumers of these clothes. This is therefore another way to support the workers in the developing countries that have to survive with minimum wages. The wages they receive are directed only to the necessities.

There are currently a number of companies that have decided to join hands with the fair trade foundation. These are companies that are in full support of the human rights. They therefore want to ensure that every worker has a good working environment and is paid handsomely for his/her work.

The main way that these companies support this foundation is buying the garments from overseas. They can then resell the garments to locals at a higher price if they wish. The ac of buying the garments from the low class people is itself a very good deed. This is because the money they provide will boost these people.

It is therefore imperative to buy the fair trade items because you will be supporting a life somewhere. So not support unethical companies because you have friends there. Think about the people who are struggling to feed their families and survive on very little money. By so doing, you will have touched a soul.

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