Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Why Clothing Is So Important To Women

By Sharon Wilson

Being attractive is the wish of every human being. People always want to look good in public places that is why they are very choosy in what they wear. It also serves to satisfy their vanity for it is a trait that all human beings have. Dressing is very important especially with the female gender. They really take time to choose or even design clothes. You can be elegant looking with apparels from dress clothing Schenectady NY.

Clothing is one of the essential needs of man. During primitive times, inhabitants shielded their body from heat and cold using animal skins. This was draped over the shoulder to prevent heat or cold from getting directly into the skin. This second skin also protected the body from wounds or scratches. Animal skins were the first to be used by humans for protection.

In this modern times, the apparel industry is huge. It has to clothe the whole population of nations. That is such a large customer base. People nowadays although still practical always gets swayed by what is trending in the world of fashion. They are quick to adapt to what is new and popular. This industry contributes much to the economy although it is barely noticed.

The garments industry will cease to exist without the textile production. This woven material is the main item from which clothes are made of. These weaves utilize different raw elements which come largely from the livestock and agricultural sectors. Plants which produce fibers are the most used material inputs in the production. Examples of these are hemp, cotton, and abaca.

Glamour and glitz society prefers those that are made of animal skin. This could either be produced in a tannery to come up with leather or just plain animal skin sewn into coats and shawls. The most common animal material that is really good against cold weather is wool. These are furry outgrowths from sheep and are sheared off it.

The mink and ermine are nearing extinction because of the high value of their furs. So much so that these have become protected species under the watchful eyes of an environmentalist. The fur of these animals is used in the manufacture of very expensive coats that cater to the rich and famous who like glitter and glitz. These are the people who have placed these animals in the endangered list.

Individuals often differ in terms of fashion sense. Some individuals actually do not care what they don and only care about its cleanliness. Women, on the contrary, are overly conscious of what they wear and are very selective when it comes to apparel. It is not uncommon for them to spend money on lots and lots of garments. Ordinary or street clothes are mass produced and come in very cheap.

Personal taste is the determining factor as to what a person will cover his body with. This is a stark reality. People can select garments contingent on what the occasion is. Employees mostly wear uniforms. We can even readily identify profession just by looking at the garments people are wearing. Without blinking an eye last we can readily identify a doctor, policeman, or arm by their uniforms.

They say that beauty is only skin deep. In a way, clothes are disguises of what a person really is inside. That is just a conjecture but it holds some truth in it. How often have we seen neatly dressed elegant persons turn up to be hustlers and with bad intention. It is not for us to say whether a person is what he or she is by the way they dress.

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