Sunday, June 2, 2019

Top Hair Colourist St Catharines Offers Insider Tips For Keeping Your Colored Locks Moisturized

By Deborah Reed

One of the simplest, surest and most affordable means of transforming your looks is to schedule for a professional hair color application service. A skilled colorist can give you a makeover and ascertain that the outcome of a service is positively transformative. After loving the outcome of a service, there are care tips you should implement in order to keep your locks looking appealing and healthy. During the hunt for a proficient hair colourist St Catharines has a decent number of top rated experts to offer.

Color treatments have a long list of benefits, though they also have a few disadvantages. The main one is that a treatment can make your tresses vulnerable to fading and dryness. It is in your best interests to take measures to ensure that your mane remains moisturized at all times. This will reduce the risk of splitting, breaking and other related forms of damage.

It is not advisable to shampoo your curls immediately after a treatment. Ideally, you should wait for three or more days for the new pigment as well as the natural oils to settle. If you wash the tresses too soon, the color molecules that are yet to effectively adhere will be stripped down. This can lead to premature fading of the freshly applied color.

The fact that a treatment will make your hair more vulnerable to breaking and drying cannot be emphasized enough. That said, you cannot use your regular brush to style your hair. Always use a wide-tooth comb for you to keep your mane moisturized. Using the wrong styling tools can easily take a toll on the appearance of your locks.

You will need to be extra picky when selecting your shampoo products. In this case, choosing something that does not contain sulfate will be more ideal. Sulfate is designed to assist in stripping away oils and dirt. While it does an excellent job on untreated tresses, it can eat the dye on your colored curls, causing dryness.

Another tip to keep your colored curls moisturized is to use a hair mask. An ideal product will moisturize your mane and add essential oils and butters. For the best outcome to be achieved, apply the mask on clean curls and let it set in for at least three minutes before rinsing. This will leave each strand hydrated, shiny and at lesser risk of freezing.

You will want to replace your regular styling products, shampoos and conditioners and products that are uniquely formulated for colored curls. This will further reduce the odds of your mane turning brittle and dry. If you are a newbie in seeking color treatments and you have no idea about the products to use, just ask your stylist for reliable recommendations.

You will need to refrain from using heat styling tools like blow dryers or even flat irons. If you find it hard to style your locks without using such tools, then you must invest in a quality protective serum. Regardless of the color you want to apply on your tresses, always use a sunscreen when going outdoors. This will protect the curls from the sun rays that can cause dryness and premature fading.

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