Tuesday, February 23, 2016

3 Benefits Of Instagram, With Christina Kelly

By Rebecca Mills

If you're in the field of fashion marketing, chances are that you know all about what makes social media so useful. All you have to do is look at a platform such as Instagram, which Christina Kelly and others can tell you is nothing short of important for the aforementioned purchase. What are the reasons for this, you may wonder? If you'd like to know why Instagram might be worth implementing, here are 3 talking points to help sway your mindset.

As names the likes of Christina DiMauro Kelly can attest, Instagram has one of the most sizable audiences across social media. Specifically, it has more than one-hundred million users engaged each month. What this means is that if you compose a message or post a photo, chances are that it will reach the attention of others. Even though the aforementioned audience matters, though, it's far from the only benefit to make note of.

Another thing to consider about Instagram, according to Christina Kelly, is the sheer variety it possesses when it comes to content. When the website first came into being, users could only post pictures that would come out looking like square shots one would associate with vintage cameras. However, times have changed to where Instagram has allowed other aspect ratios. This is where the aforementioned variety comes into play, so make sure this is kept in mind as well.

Of course, you're not going to be able to use Instagram without coming across different filters. Even though these can make various shots stand out, they aren't always needed. As a matter of fact, you should know that some filters might actually prove to be hindering to your content. Make use of these filters smartly, so that you can make your fashion marketing efforts stand out with higher quality intact.

These are just a few reasons why, as a fashion marketer, you should focus on Instagram as a tool. Not only will it allow you to show off different types of content, but you can build your user base to become more diverse as well. There's no denying the fact that such content matters, especially if you're looking to sell to particular audiences. By focusing on points like the ones mentioned earlier, you will not have to worry about your advertising efforts falling off the tracks.

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