Friday, February 26, 2016

Dress Up: Your Medical Billing Job May Depend On It

By Linus Louise

People that do medical billing should always dress appropriately in order to land new clients. It is important to have someone critique your dress each week. Employees that dress well tend to get better attention and are treated more like professionals. Today, image is everything. All around us, we see people buying expensive jewelry, clothing, homes and so forth. Many of these items are things that people cannot afford.

In order to be successful today, you have to be willing to make a sacrifice. Sometimes you have to spend more money on your clothes in order for people to take you more seriously. Most people in society are judgmental in terms of how we look. They will never tell you that you look like you are middle class or poor, but they will think it. In the medical industry, people can be very judgmental. You may look at someone and form an opinion about them based on how they look.

The main reason why people are judging you is because they are saying to themselves, "If they are dressed well, then they have money." For people, money = success. We all know that this is not the case since most people live on their credit cards for the most part. However, many potential customers will judge you on how you look. It is important to always look your best even if you are sitting behind an empty room all day with only a computer. You never know when an important person will walk into your establishment.

Medical billing is a serious career field. It is an important position because you make people money. Without your superior coding skills, your healthcare practice cannot pay the bills. Your employer is counting on you to bill properly and to get high returns on claims. If you cannot do that, then you will not have a job for very long.

If you are in the business world now, it is wise to get used to looking the part. Many people say that they want to help others to succeed and to become successful as well. It is important that you take your time in determining what is going to work out best for you. Don't worry if all of the pieces to the puzzle don't make sense yet. In time, you will see that your clothing pays off. Many billers get good clients because they look and act professional. Sometimes its how you look that impresses a person rather than what you know. Once you have landed the client, you must show them that you know a lot about ICD-10 coding and billing.

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