Saturday, March 26, 2016

Helpful Choices For Procuring Eco Friendly Sustainable Jewelry

By Terrence C. Glanville

Wearing fancy clothing does not complete the desired look that individuals aim at depicting to the public. This requires a touch of some fine jewelries in terms of earrings or necklaces that complement the whole look. As a jewelry lover, you ought to take into account the source of the particular jewels that you purchase. This plays a big role in maintaining the environmental condition and avoiding the purchase of conflict diamonds. Opposition movements extensively mine the conflict diamonds without caring for the environment in an aim of financing their activities. Therefore, individuals need to consider buying custom eco friendly jewelry only to reduce such operations.

The process of mining comprises of large excavation machinery, which drill the surface of the earth with an aim of accessing the particular surface that contains the precious metals. Large mines or underground tunnels are put in place in order to facilitate easy removal of excavated soil and rocks from the ground. Subsequently, this distorts the normal habitation of various living organism while uprooting or cutting various plants and trees necessary for a sustainable environment. This has led to the following options for jewelry consumers who uphold the need for a sustainable eco system.

Handmade ornaments or items are the best option when considering the purchase of green jewels. Handcrafted items are easy to make and require less destruction of the environment if at all any destruction is needed. In addition, the artisans skilled and experienced in this art of utilizing the resources or raw materials around them do not engage in any form of mining.

Pearls also make up an important component in jewelries. They are produced by pearl oysters, which can be reared by oyster farmers in their ponds. This process is usually sustainable for the environment unlike where the miners extract precious gemstones from the ground. However, farmers utilizing this form of farming to produce pearls require keeping the water as clean as possible in order to ensure the oysters stay alive.

Instead of opting for precious stones that are obtained from the ground through extensive mining processes, consider procuring created gemstones. The created stones area manufactured by specialists in the laboratory through various chemical processes. This leads to formation of similar stones to those mined from the ground in terms of physical properties. Consequently, the manner they are created is less harmful to the environment as compared to mining.

Most individuals or rather consumers of jewel products are normally influenced into purchase by the fashion world. As a fashion lover, you should be careful when purchasing new items to stay updated with the new trends. This means procuring products that you can easily utilize to make better items in future.

You have the liberty of picking recycled jewelry rather than those that possess newly extracted stones or metals. Mainly this is possible due to the availability of vintage ornaments in the market, which can be remodeled into finer and newer items without the need for mining. The environment is therefore conserved.

Fine ornaments are made from extracted gems, precious metals or diamond. Continuous purchase of such items is dangerous for the environment. Therefore, individuals ought to consider purchasing a lesser number of these ornaments to decrease destructive mining.

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