Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Stylish Tips On Creating Fabulous Fashion Jewelry Displays

By Gary Johnson

Working in the fashion industry can be tough for any retailer, especially if you are focusing primarily on accessories. There is plenty of competition out there that it is important to really stand out from the crowd. An effective method of doing this is to present a stylish and convincing store display that will surely bring in prospective clients through your doors.

It can be a considerable challenge to stage something as simple as a storefront presentation. Because you are dealing with accessories, you need to think of creative ways on showcasing fashion jewelry displays to their fullest potential. Luckily, these solid tips and tricks below can aid you on getting the most out of your visual merchandising goals.

Start with a story. Working in the fashion business means that you have plenty of ideas to choose from, especially since the industry operates on a seasonal basis. Know what the trends are for the season and you should craft a visual story from them. It is more appealing to customers that you can be able to generate a compelling narrative with your merchandise.

Less is more. One of the cardinal mistakes that shop owners often make is overdoing their decorations. A cluttered arrangement will only serve to confuse and repel your prospective buyers. Editing is essential, so choose only the best and relevant items to feature in your store exhibit.

Your merchandise is top priority. You do not want your customers to be confused when they look at your display. They need to know that you are focused on selling specific items. Ensure that your core stock is front and center whenever your store is displaying them for sale.

Shine a light. When trying to sell something pretty and something that glitters, great lighting is your knight in shining armor. Fashion baubles are best displayed when they are surrounded by strategically placed light sources. This will be most advantageous as people are naturally drawn to things that capture their eye.

Think in 3D. Your first instinct when featuring your wares might be to simply place them on flat surfaces like tables. But keep in mind that customers often think about how these items will look when used on the human body, so go for that route instead. Feel free to drape your accessories on busts or mannequins so the effect will be three dimensional.

Dare to use bold colors. Whether you want to create a striking contrast or aiming for a complementary aesthetic to your visuals, you can never go wrong with using colors. Nobody wants to look at boring displays. Have fun with mixing and matching your merchandise with colorful props or clothes to better your chances of getting people to notice them.

Of course, there will always be trial and error when employing these tips so experimentation is key. Do not be afraid to try out different things and see which ones will serve your business best. Investing in a great visual display can only serve you better in the long run.

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