Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How Animals Benefit From You Buying Faux Fur Throw

By George Anderson

No one wants to wake up one day and realize that their favorite coat they have been wearing for the last three years was made out of dog and cat fur. That is not only horrible to imagine, but the thought that an innocent stray animal has been killed and skinned off its fur to be used for fashion purposes. Died because you wanted a coat to wear for those cold wintry nights.

Every year there are many manufacturers that often mislabel a lot of fabrics. However know the difference between real and faux fur throw is very important if you want to prevent more animals being skinned alive for the sake of humanity. If you think about the welfare of the animals then choosing a faux is a more humane option than real.

Nature has been very unkind to humanity, so it is only natural humans hunt down the weaker species with their developed weapons. Though some animals are called pest because there are too much of their kind roaming around the earth. However eradicating their species should not be about senseless killing therefore humans have made an effort to use animal fur, meat, and made other uses from these hunted prey.

There are many reasons why you should choose pile fabrics instead of real fur. For one reason many people from groups who fight for the rights of abused animals have made an effort since 1929 to keep poachers from running animals into extinction. By advising people to use pile fabrics to lower the chances of unscrupulous manufacturers who harm and abuse animals then skin them alive to sell on the market.

But on the other hand pile fabrics are often made from chemicals that could harm the environment. Chemicals such as coal, limestone, water, petroleum, and air are often used. However pile is often composed of two important chemicals called acrylic and modacrylic and other mixture of polymers.

Because these chemicals provide better resistance from mildew and fire. It reduces the chance of getting damage over time, and can last longer than the real kind. Aside from that other fabrics use are mohair, wool, silk, cotton, polypropylene, rayon, and cellulose.

Chemicals are often used to create the faux so that dye jobs are easily made to alter the coloring of the pelt. However these chemicals may not be good to the environment and are composed of air, water, coal, limestone, and petroleum. More over other chemicals like acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride monomers are also included.

Then these mixtures in liquid form is then filtered to separate particles that have not been dissolve. And are dissolve again by adding acetone to the mixture. Then after that is towed on a conveyor belt to dry off, so once the item dries it becomes stronger. At the final stage the item goes through quality check before they are dyed. The fur is then produced through several other stages, and the material itself goes through pipes and filters to create each strand of fur. And the final stage is then heated and cycled inside a cylinder that goes both way.

All these are processed in a factory. Processed through several steps that keep the quality high before the final touches are performed. Therefore buying quality faux not only means avoiding fake faux fur made of stray creatures but getting it right the first time.

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