Saturday, March 19, 2016

How To Take Care Of Your Jewelry Thru Hanging Jewelry Holders

By Shirley Murray

Jewelries are precious to people, most especially to the women. They are small decorative items that are worn to enhance beauty of the one who wears it. In some places, they are worn to define cultural status, or as a tradition, especially to places where there are tribal groups.

In general, jewelries are worn as an accessory in order to enhance beauty and to put some style on the one wearing it. They are not exclusively worn by women only, but also by men. Jewelry will only retain its value through proper care, and one of which is by using hanging jewelry holders.

These gems are very expensive that is why they are cherished the most by the people. Almost all people are using these items in their everyday living, however, only less people had the knowledge on keeping its maintenance. Below are some helpful tips that you should consider if you want to prolong the life of your jewelries.

Proper cleaning. This is the very basic tip that you can do in order to retain the value of your gems. Proper cleaning of these items must be done on a regular basis, if possible, in order to maintain its luster. If you use your jewels everyday, do not forget to clean them before you place it in the storage.

Take off jewelry when doing chores. You do not need these things when you are doing your household chores so do not wear them. For sure you have a lot of work to do at home, like cooking, cleaning, gardening and many others, when doing each one of these, you must avoid wearing your jewels. Wearing this while doing such things would not only hinder you in doing your task but you are also putting your jewelries in a high risk.

Jewelry after make up. Make up are also worn by woman like you in every day. Make sure that when you are applying one, you have not worn your jewelry yet. Make up, hairspray and other types of cosmetics contain a lot of chemicals which could ruin your precious gems. Putting jewelries on after doing your make up can minimize its exposure unto these chemicals.

Be careful with heat and light. The too much exposure of heat of the sun is not only harmful to human but also to jewelries. Too much heat can damage the jewels, and it would lessen its durability, it can fade the color of your gems and some may also be fractured. Make sure that when storing your gems, you place it in the spot where there is no too much heat exposure in any form.

Store it accordingly. After wearing your jewels for the whole day, never forget to keep it inside its proper storage. Leaving your gems in your drawer or table give a higher chance of damaging your jewels for it might fall to the floor. Make sure that after using it, you will put it in the jewelry box or in any other storage that is appropriate for them.

Jewelry is one of our most cherished accessories. We must know how to appreciate their value, not only by wearing them but also by Understanding how to care for and protect them. Following these basic methods could definitely help you in prolonging their lives.

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