Friday, June 3, 2016

Buying Cheap Oakley Sunglasses

By Simon Graft

Do you know the issues that may come with buying cheap shades? I recently bought a set of cheap Oakley shades online. They had been a great bargain and I remember thinking the deal may be too good to be true. But I purchased them anyway as I always enjoy finding a cheeky deal on the internet. It turns out that yes, it was much too good a price. I should have paid attention to that little voice in the back of my mind. It was such a catastrophe.

I got my low-cost Oakley eyewear and they looked ok. They didn't really feel as strong as I would've liked however looked fantastic, and that is what I really wished for from my sunglasses. These were a designer statement above all. I started using them a lot and they were pretty good. I enjoyed them and I appeared to be receiving plenty of attention since they looked so great. Lots of individuals were asking where I purchased them. And a few were surprised when I said how expensive they were.

The serious calamity arrived once I was out on my bike. They did not sit well on my nose. It was no problem while I had been strolling about on foot however I then got on my bike. They kept sliding straight down my nose and offered absolutely no proper grip, their tough rubberized nose section ended up being useless. And then they dropped off. They crashed on the ground, perished underneath my back wheel, with the commotion of sun light and breaking my glasses, I somehow swerved and collided with a rock and flew off my bicycle. Thankfully I was not injured but if I'd been on more difficult ground than just a woodlands path then it might have been a very different story.

After that I have read some reviews and found that a low quality nose piece is a giveaway with lots of counterfeit sunglasses. So that makes a much more sense now. I wish I just invested some more money on my sunglasses. The low cost Oakley sunglasses really let me down and I travelled all the way home squinting in the sunshine in addition to practically being blinded by insects. I heaved myself off the floor and instantly realised that the money I had saved was not worth it at all.

In the future if I am shopping for some designer shades I will shop for them through a shop I know and can trust for quality. Even with proper shops you can find some Cheap Oakley Sunglasses. Paying out the money to get a quality pair is way more preferable in comparison with choosing a low cost, fake pair that will do nothing more than looking rather attractive. Someone also pointed out that I had no clue what protection from the sun I had been getting through my bargain eyewear so I guess there is that health and safety aspect to consider also.

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