Friday, June 3, 2016

Taking Care Of Natural Clothing Los Angeles

By Deborah Thomas

With the global shift toward things which are renewable and biodegradable, the world of fashion has also started making changes. This can be easily seen with increase of people turning to natural clothing Los Angeles. Natural materials are being used to make almost any garment, be it bags, trousers or sweaters.

Different people look at different things, when buying clothing. Some people look at the designer, the colors, or even the fit of the items. One thing a lot of people overlook is the material used to make their garments. You might even notice that you have a lot of natural fabrics in your drawer, but you did not notice. Silk, cotton, and wool are the best known fabrics, among the various organic materials available.

When you buy the clothes, as long as you know how to properly clean them you will be fine. If you own cottons and linens, you will notice they are cleaned almost the same way. Use hot or warm water to wash them, and then tumble dry or let them air dry. Unless the cotton is preshrunk, it might shrink on cleaning. With linen you will need to let it dry completely, then press it while inside out.

Other materials like wool, cashmere, and silk need extra care. If you completely trust the person who handles your dry cleaning, then you may opt to take your garments there. If you are hesitant, you should clean them by lightly scrubbing or kneading the clothes in warm water, with a mild detergent.

Even when you decide to transition to natural fabrics, it does not have to be a sudden move. You can do it gradually in stages. You may opt to first buy a few items then if you like them, continue to slowly phase out synthetics from your choice of clothes.

You should store all your items in an airy drawer. This will prevent them from smelling damp and musty. It is also advisable to hang moth balls in your closet, to keep moths from eating your clothes. Natural oils or leaves from plants like lavender can be strategically placed in your wardrobe. This way when you take out your clothes, they always smell fresh.

Once you choose to invest in garments made from organic fibers and you take good care of them, you will find that you are more comfortable, and happy with the clothes you wear. It is also a healthy choice. Quite a bit of the chemicals used to make the synthetic fibers, are absorbed into the body. You will also notice that your cotton t-shirt is still fine after a few washes, when compared to your nylon shirt.

You might find these clothes at the local boutique where you shop, or you can locate a shop that strictly handles the sale of these clothes. Check online to identify stores like these, or even by asking around from people you know, who own a number of garments made from organic fibers.

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