Monday, April 3, 2017

Find Out The Benefits Of Organic Fibers From An Ethical Children's Clothing Shop

By Bertulda Zerna

The environment is something everyone needs to be concerned about. Chemicals can do a lot of damage and cotton that is traditionally grown for textile use is loaded with herbicides and pesticides. It is possible to find products constructed from purely organic cottons with a USA children's clothing company.

For one thing, organic cotton appears to be softer - better for the sensitive skin of young children. Normal cotton can sometimes contain pesticide and herbicide residues, despite washing. Some children may be allergic to these chemicals (Although, of course, cotton itself can be an allergen - but many people who think they are allergic to cotton are allergic to dyes or formaldehyde introduced during processing).

Most of the benefits, however, are environmental. Conventional cotton uses 25% of the insecticides and 10% of the other pesticides used worldwide, whilst being grown on only 3% of cultivated land. Avoiding pesticide use also helps improve the health of cotton farmers, and in some areas producing organic cotton has actually turned out to be cheaper. Organic cotton farmers avoid pesticide use by deliberately releasing beneficial insects and using state of the art machinery to kill weeds.

By buying organic cotton you also contribute to increasing the demand and therefore reducing cases of cotton harvesters (cotton is still mostly harvested by hand) being sickened by pesticide and, ultimately, reducing the cost of organic cotton fabric and the clothing made from it.

Although there are no studies showing actual health advantages to the end users of organic fabrics, purchasing them does generate benefits to the environment, as well as to cotton farmers and workers, while it also encourages other cultivators to generate their own marketable product that are free of chemical pesticides.

Organic fabrics are also generally of a higher, more durable, quality - this is especially true if they are colored using natural dyes as synthetic ones have a tendency to weaken the fibers. When shopping for new clothes, read the label and make a responsible choice. Even if it costs a bit more, it will be well worth it in many ways.

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