Sunday, April 2, 2017

Learn About Heritage Textiles From An Online Children's Clothing Shop

By Earnestine Clinger

In today's world, fast fashion is king. That means items that are mass produced, and the fabrics are sometimes low quality, and only meant to be sewed quickly and sold cheap. This means inferior quality, and garments that often fall apart. This is why buying USA Children's clothing that uses heritage textiles are worth the investment.

There are alternatives - and while the alternatives tend to be more expensive, they last longer and offer a combination of style and comfort, whilst still being machine washable and tumble dry safe. Heritage fabrics are made in smaller batches, resulting in more unique clothing, and often under Fair Trade agreements that guarantee a reasonable wage to the laborers.

Regarding fabrics, there are many thick, high quality ones that will last, even if your kids are generally hard on their clothes. A great source of these is India. They use crafting techniques that are centuries old and done by hand. The fact that they have to be shipped over the ocean from a great distance is why they are pricier.

Techniques such as Ikat (similar to tie-dy) and hand block printing (slow, but able to produce designs that cannot be created any other way) involve time and skill - but the end result is well worth it.

While it may be easier to go to your nearest national chain store to outfit your child cheaply, those clothes will often rip and fade after a wash or two. Your child deserves better.

Children outgrow clothes quickly, but if you have more than one, you still want to buy high quality so you can hand them down. With today's cheap quality chain store clothes, they will fall apart before you can do that. Buy heritage fabrics and clothes, and you will have items that are made to last and feel comfortable to boot.

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