Monday, August 27, 2018

Cosmetic Surgery Of Various Body Parts

By Frances Price

People when they meet with accidents sometimes have paralysis of legs or hands. This is because of the loss of functionality of the muscles. This is the primary organ that controls the movement in our body. Muscles are present everywhere right from the face to the legs. Even the eyes are controlled by the contraction of muscles. Botox Oklahoma City provides the best solution for muscle related issues.

Plastic is a material which is a waste or byproduct of petroleum. For surgical purpose there are plastics such as silicon which adapts to the body. This type of plastic is mainly used for nose, hand or finger reconstruction. This kind of practice is known as plastic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is performed only for improving the appearance of a normal body part. Here no part of the body is damaged or malfunctioning. This surgery is performed for beautification. For example the micro reconstructive surgery of hair for a person who is bald. There are people who want to remove he signs of aging from their face as they are growing old.

There are certain wounds that do not heal so we have to cut open the skin for the treatment. This kind of procedures is known as surgery. After performing this task the wound is stitched or stapled. Over the period of time the skin automatically joins healing the injury. Sometimes if this process is not performed it can be life threatening to patient.

Toxins are naturally found in plants, fruit and venomous animals. In the ancient times there were many fruits and vegetables in which if consumed lead to death. Humans learnt from their bitter experiences evolved through time. Today we have developed anti matter for some of the toxins, however still there are elements which are unidentified.

History has left traces where men and women belong to those ages used to lead their lives by consuming natural ingredients which helped them maintain natural beauty. These were common among their communities where as nowadays people believe more in artificial therapy than natural life. This has given rise to beauty and cosmetic products.

Beauty salons offer services such as facial treatment, foot care, and skin rejuvenation and nail therapy. Massage is very common in such places which are good for the skin. This can range from facial to entire body. This procedure relaxes the body and relieves stress. Even they practice certain amount of meditation. There are some basic beauty tips which we can practice at home.

Cosmetics are used for many centuries. Earlier they were made from natural extracts. But nowadays the element of chemical compound is more compared to that of natural ingredients. This is causing lot of negative side effects. The problems which can occur are skin allergies, blindness or even death with prolonged use. Reversing the chemical effects is very difficult.

Surgery and application of chemical has side effects. We should resort to these methods only when there is as injury which requires treatment. We must like ourselves the way we are in the nature and need not depend on chemical for beautification.

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