Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dressmakers May Use Vintage Beads Wholesale For Their Designs

By Larry Schmidt

When it comes to making something great, there is nothing wrong with trying something new. Whether a person makes clothing, jewelry, other other functional art, stepping outside of a comfort zone can be essential to growth. If possible, it may help to look at sales and find out what other interests current and past buyers have. Should the seller find that their buyers have an interest in retro apparel or accessories, it may help to look into using vintage beads wholesale.

One way is to go visit their past sales history or social media accounts to find out some information about their likes or interests. Things worth noting are whether they buy retro fashions and how often, or if they expect to marry in the near future. The reason for the latter is that many vintage styles of beads are ideal for wedding ceremonies.

Filigree designs charms made great neckwear and the elegant shape complements most gowns. Beads on wire headpins are great for pulled back hairstyles. Vintage baubles are a nice contrast to modern gowns that have smooth lines and minimal details. Brides that want a beaded dress may be interested in retro styles that cannot be found at bridal gown retailers again.

Consider how something will be worn and the wearer. A good example is basic shirts that are cut low in the neckline. Applique beads or sequins that are small in size make an ideal trim but if one were to use large or medium sized beads, the look would be awkward. However, for the dressmaker that specializes in evening or formal wear may go for the blinged out look.

The same thought may apply to those who make wedding party wear for a living. Even though the focus is supposed to be on the bride, modern tradition may call for the party to sparkle or shine like the couple. There are many pieces that will add a personalized touch to that special day.

Some beads and fabric trims can be used to create a look that either defines a specific period in fashion or something out of the ordinary. For instance, German floral passion buttons or findings may be used with denim outfits. If a dressmaker wanted to branch out into home decor accessories, they may also find some inspiration when looking through an online catalog

Anyone who likes to repurpose their clothes or old items should consider how to incorporate beads so they are practical. While sequins, seeds, or rocailles may make a nice accent or trim, making these the main focus is quite the laborious task. Depending on the project, nailheads may be a better choice, as the cut still adds a slight hint of shimmer.

Adding a different type of bead to inventory or finished goods can set a crafter apart from their competition. It would also be beneficial to create a series of images and other relevant content that will give online visitors ideas. These images should be vivid and the photography should capture every detail. If everything presented is engaging, this will trigger more visitors to become customers.

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