Friday, June 21, 2019

Designer For Fashions And Looks

By Ronald Cole

We cannot deny that it is actually a normal phenomenon to human to be conscious with how he or she looks. Attraction is actually one of the major things that bother us. We are even more concern about our physical appearance rather than inside personality. Wardrobe stylists are professional designers who help people in preparing their closets.

Celebrities, politicians and other high ranking individuals choose to have a personal assistant to help them prepare their closets so that they will look attractive every time they appear to public. Even average persons felt awkward when they repeatedly wear the same clothing in a series of days, well except for uniform which is naturally wore every day. Being attractive mean a lot for these people in order to maintain their good image in line with their job.

However, for some iconic personalities, they prefer to wear the same clothing every time they appear to the public. The reason for this is to establish a mark or indication where people will automatically remember the former whenever they see such color or design of clothes. Mostly, the persons who do this kind of trick are politicians and businessmen who are promoting the name of their entity.

Design and arts have different fields. In any case, it always involves styles and creativity. Surely, if you choose to have the service of these professionals, rest assured that your looks will be full of creativity. Media celebrities are most common to engage in such kind of service because they are maintaining their popularity that might disappear anytime in just a single mistake.

We can safely call this kind of service as economic cycle or reciprocity because one will give you the service you need in exchange of a favorable payment that you have to make. This is actually very common nowadays in any field of human life. We really are thankful to the law on trade and sale because we were able to make our living a bit easier and we can also help other people who badly need it.

Unfortunately, just like other profession, the money involves usually cost a little high or an amount shocking to some persons. Not only that one has to spend your money on buying the apparels but also you have to pay said person. Which is why, for people who have a limited source of income, doing the task alone is far more practical and convenient.

But for some who are confident and wealthy enough, hiring an assistant is not actually an issue. Doing it personally is very hassle in some point. Preparing and making sure that you will look attractive to others is really hard especially when you are known to be great in fashion. You have to develop and improvise all the time and try to be better every now and then.

The same is indeed a good thing to have an assistant to make sure that our looks are acceptable and attractive to other people in general. But we also have to consider that no matter how many dresses we have that stored in our rooms, there are also persons who are struggling because they do not even have one to wear. It is kind of ironic because some people are having problem on choosing the clothes they wear when most do not even have anything to wear.

By way of disclaimer, there is nothing in this article that says one is better than the other. Rather, it simply wanted to relay that one may be better for a certain person depending on its own needs and preferences. Some famous persons still choose to prepare their fashion alone because for them they are the only one who know their taste, and tastes actually change from time to time.

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