Friday, June 21, 2019

Discovering Alchemy Jewelry And Symbolic Imagery

By Andrew Watson

When it comes to Alchemy, it is actually a branch of philosophy which is rather ancient. For example, while a number of arts and craftsmen now produce Alchemy Jewelry with different associated symbols, there are others whom organize Alchemic dances and other events. As such, the practices and principles associated with the practice can take on a number of different shapes and sizes though most have one thing in common, using balance to create change.

The practice was also one of a proto-scientific one having originated in the first few centuries AD. Since that time alchemists have attempted to perfect, mature and purify various materials. One common aim was to turn base metals into nobles, most often turning a less valuable metal into gold. In addition, these early alchemists also developed an elixir which appeared to be a cure all and an elixir believed to promote and provide immortal life.

In English, the term is often reduced to descriptions of that of the Europeans. Although, similar practices also existed in the Far East, the Muslim world and the Indian subcontinent. Whereas, in Europe the practice followed the 12th century Renaissance when alchemists played an integral role in early scientific aspirations.

Most of the alchemists of that time created a basic structure which most used as a lab in order to work on basic techniques, experiments and theories. In most cases, objects created during that time still gave way to the belief in antiquity and confirmed the four elements as being rather magical in nature. In fact, many of the objects created included messages and symbols which were either cypher or cryptic.

Discussions around alchemy and magic still occur all the time though are generally related to the split between esoteric spirituality and applications. For, regardless of argument, most alchemists and scientists believe the objects need be seen as contemporary by historians of the scientific community. Most often, by those whom have examined the objects first hand with the goal of deciphering the messages and symbols which were engraved during those earliest periods of the 1st century.

All aspects of alchemy, magic, mysticism and wonder have made an impact on society at large. In addition, many can now be found in a number of works of art and literature. While this is the case, one well known philosopher, von Franz suggest that many of the objects only date back to the period of Western traditions during which there was a mix of Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Greek culture.

While the practice remains closely related to magic, others suggest early alchemy embraced ideas much larger than magic and mysticism. For example, it is believed that early medieval and modern practices embraced a set of specific goals and techniques. In either case, when individuals hear of the connection between magic and alchemy, most see either practice as being at the very least, deceptive. While this is the case, there have been few whom have been successful in disproving the work of alchemists.

Ideas related to alchemy emerged during the 18th century or later. So, while each may have limited validity within a specific context, none has provided an accurate depiction of alchemy in general. Whether interested in practicing alchemy or otherwise, it can often be an interesting topic of discussion, one which has led to some beautiful jewelry which can now be found in online shops such as Etsy and Shopify.

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