Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3 Traits Of Fashion Journalists, From Estelle's

By Katie Arden

Everywhere you look, it seems, you will find the fashion industry staring right back at you. There's no denying the fact that this industry is important, not only in terms of the media it has created but the style of journalism used to cover it. This isn't always the easiest process to carry out, though, which is why certain qualities must be seen. Estelle's can attest to this, which brings us to 3 of the key characteristics these budding writers should have.

Stylish - If you're looking to become a fashion journalist, you should have a certain sense of style. While you do not necessarily have to know everything about sweet 16 dresses, it's in your best interest to know what's trendy these days. Try to incorporate the trends in question into your own wardrobe, so that you stand out as a credible source. In fashion journalism, what you wear can make a huge difference.

Ambitious - What fashion journalists should also know is that it'll take time to reach the success they would like. In order for this to be done, these men and women must be ambitious, able to take on certain jobs before scaling the proverbial ladder. When this happens, they stand a greater chance of being published on bigger platforms that people are more likely to read. Needless to say, work ethic can go a long way.

Ethical - Above all else, according to companies like Estelle's, a fashion journalist must be ethical. One of the ways to do this is by separating yourself from subjects you know on a personal level. If this connection exists, you shouldn't write about them, as a bias will exist. Next, make sure that you write about each story as truthfully as possible. Needless to say, the addition of a "spin" will not do any journalist any favors, regardless of their industry.

If your goal is to become a fashion journalist, you should know that it will take work in order to reach the level of success you desire. Being skilled at writing is important, of course, but it's far from the only trait that's needed. Among other things, you must follow a certain code of ethics, so that you come across as a greater professional. If the points covered earlier are followed closely, you will find the success that you're looking for in due time.

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