Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Truth About A Tattoo Concealer

By Dennis Ross

Tattoos are modifications on the skin pigment done by a sharp object that inserts indelible ink under the skin to create images with different significances to the person applying them. Different people have different perceptions about tattoos, some like them while others cannot stand them; hence there arises situations where they have to be hidden to prevent them from being seen. Tattoos can be made invisible by cosmetics known as a tattoo concealer, which prevents them from being seen yet still maintain the skin tone.

Fashion has really changed in the present times. The tattoo lifestyle is one that people have borrowed from the superstars. When the super stars do poses for semi nude camera shoots, they like showing off their great art of tattoos; hence, brain washing people especially the young generation into wanting to get them done in order to look more attractive.

There are two main types of tattoos applied on the skin; permanent tattoos and temporary tattoos. Permanent tattoos are always intended to last a whole entire lifetime of an individual until their death, and they can only be removed by surgery. Temporary tattoos are usually short term and do not require surgery to be removed since they fade with time.

Time and events has influenced this art. Permanent tattoos can be inscribed to mark a change that happened in a persons life and is always recalled each and every day, the event can be death of a loved one, the day ones life changed from rags to riches and so on. These tattoos have a great impact to the one who has it and it is embraced as if it will be lost in within no time though its there to stay.

We also find that time and times do influence temporary tattoos. When inscribed on the skin they are not expected to last for long, there are several reasons that can influence someone to get these temporary tattoos including; pleasing ones companion, recalling the date when ones life changed when she or he met a companion who they really treasured though things do not work well on them and so on. When there is a twist of fate need to erase the fond memories in the temporary tattoo crops up hence one does away with it using a these concealers.

On a realistic perspective, they are usually a turnoff to employers. Jobseekers with visible tattoos usually have lower chances of getting jobs in financial institutions like banks and insurance firms. To prevent such situations, one needs to conceal the tattoo crop ups to maintain an innocent look.

Public appearances also force people to hide these tattoos in order to prevent them from destroying their reputation. For instance, people attending places of worship like churches and mosques usually ensure that they are concealed as much as possible because the tattoos are against the religious doctrines. To show respect to religion, they always end up hiding the tattoos.

Tattoos have brought unexplainable miseries to people hence should not be considered fashionable. There is need to educate the young generation dangers of having them done on the body. When this is done skin cancer and other ailments will be minimal.

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